All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Have you ever wondered or better yet...figured out why your child lies?

Real example:

Child has a late doctor's appointment in a city 70 miles away. The family returned home very late in the evening. The child didn't get her homework done. While explaining to her teacher why she didn't have it finished the teacher said "That is the lamest excuse I ever heard"!  In this example, I believe the teacher was wanting her to say something different. Yet the child was telling the truth. What are our children being taught in school that they don't need to be taught? What is your example? How can this be made right?

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Rita, here is a good article: Why Children Lie

I do believe that there are cases when children tell the truth and are mistreated because of inappropriate expectations of the child, making them feel that if they had lied instead, it would have been better for them.

I agree with your statement, Amanda. In the situation I stated, it was truth that the child was speaking and the teacher might just have well called her a liar as to reply as she did. 

I think that the responsibility to teach truth should be on the shoulders of the teacher as it is on a pastor over a congregation.


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