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Is it unrealistic in attempting to keep God in my conscious thought at all times throughout the day?  Trying to be aware of his presence through every thought, action, and interaction with others?  

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YES! You know why? Because if you are truly born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit you will have a new nature that thinks of God continuously and the HS will abide in you and guide you in all you say and do. If you have to "try" to make it a matter of conscious thought you aren't saved.

I am experiencing the same feelings as you did at first Nancy!  The more I feel that I am immersing myself in the Lord (Reading his word, trying to look for him throughout the day, joining this online community, etc.), the more aware I am of his presence in my conscious thought.  If you were to compare how often God entered my mind just a few weeks ago compared to now, you would be blown away.  I am thrilled to hear that the more I delve into seeking a closer relationship with the Lord, the more He becomes the number one priority on my mind.  It's like He is the scope in which I view world around me.  God Bless!

Hi sister Nancy,

I didn't mean what you thought I meant. I am saying the same thing that you and everyone else here has said so well. I just meant that if one is truly saved it's a natural progression to think of Him and to want to please Him all the time. We will be excited to grow in Him, we will have a hunger for the Word. We don't actually think of Him every conscious moment, but it is like no matter what we are doing throughout the course of our day, our spirit will be drawn back to Him because Jesus lives in our heart now. If we are baptized in the Spirit, the Comforter is with us leading us and guiding us into all truth. I am always blessed that I can have a lot on my mind from the day's activities, but then I sort of land and in the stillness I feel Him, He is as close to me as my very breath, He promised to always be with me and He is! My life became so different. He speaks a word of wisdom or knowledge in me when I need guidance, He puts me over when others fail, He comforts me when times are rough. It truly is like falling in love and knowing that the One you love is the Best, the Greatest, the most amazing of all suitors. It's a match made in Heaven, literally lol. Therefor it becomes natural to have a running conversation with Him and return to Him all throughout ones day. Now He is no longer up in the sky somewhere- He's within us. One who has just been saved does not know how everything works at first, but will be actively trying to get there. I could say so much more  on ways we recognize his presence. The longer He resides within and the more we grow in the Word and prayer and other Christian graces, the more we realize He truly is with us blessing our lives, protecting us, enlarging our boundaries, healing us. He becomes our dearest friend.  

Yes, Nancy, we are the most blessed of all people to have a special sense of humor that only those who belong to God can have. And I didn't go anywhere...just enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday. I will keep you in my prayers for what you have been going through. I would like to start a prayer list composed of a small group of those who understand the importance of corporate prayer so that when one of us is facing a trial or knows someone who needs prayer, we can storm the gates of Heaven together in unity.

This verse came across after reading the post:

Psalms 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

It's like we are bound to put Him in our hearts and mind because without Him we will be lost in the darkness of world. If you ask me if it is unrealistic? No its not, it's the most realistic thing ever if you thought about our Father in Heaven at all times. It's like falling in love as our Sister Nancy mentioned. For me, it's like pleasing Him and being careful that we might hurt Him if we are too careless in all our activities each day. It's knowing that He sees us wherever we go and we are submitting to His will.  It's just amazing and I believe He is pleased with it and we do it because the Holy Spirit lives in us. God bless you Hodie :)

I know that I don’t think about my husband or my son every second of everyday but that doesn’t mean I am not a wife or a mother. The best part of being in Christ is knowing that even when our minds are busy throughout the day’s time, thinking about all the many things we have to get done and even when we are momentarily caught up in the cares of this world, God goes with us as a partner wherever we go and we walk with Him and He is always with us because He is within us and Christ is living out His life through us. That brings peace of mind to me. The fact that you even desire to think about God and that you pursue a deeper relationship with Him means you know Him and He knows you. No one who is spiritually dead pursues God. He awakens us first before we are enabled to do that, so what you sound like to me is someone who has given God your heart and belongs to Him but longs for God to have all your heart.

Lol! I knew I could count on you for a laugh!

God is with us all the time and it is important to be in communion with Him through out our waking moments but I think it is more important to set aside a specific time when He is our total focus. Perhaps just 30 minutes of time when you will not be interrupted, or lesser time if 30 minutes is difficult at first. The focused time alone with the Lord allows us to go deeper with Him. During that time there are no other distractions of everyday life--no fear of chainsaws and missing limbs, Lol--and most of all Jesus did it. He would slip away and spend alone time with the Father. How much more do we need it, if Jesus needed it!

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Mark 1:35

The more you spend time alone with God, the more you will want alone time with Him and the more He will be in your thoughts the rest of your day and even in your dreams at night.

"After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone" (Matthew 14:23).





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