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Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is His purpose?

How do we get Him?

How are we baptized by Him?


I would like us all to put our knowledge of the Holy Spirit together so that we can better understand Him.

He is an awesome part of our Christianity but do we really know Him?

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Hi Rita  thanks     I must have given wrong idea. Speaking in tongues isn't anything new to me. In fact the 1st. time I heard them was about 25 -30 years ago. The most amazing thing was I at the time understood and to make it  more peculiar  I wasn't a believer at the time.  This gave huge meaning to me  when reading the scripture about pentecost and the crowd of about 70 -80 diferent dialects understanding what was being spoken.  I guess to hopefully clarfy I believe this is a Spiritual Gift given and very much controlled by the Holy Spirit. I have come across many people who seek the Gift and for reasons only known to God they hadn't recieved it. I find todays teachings sometimes make me feel some believe  speaking in tongues is no different than speaking French or Spanish some human language. As I say I deffinately believe it to be much more and to be deffinately a Spiritual Gift. I agree signs and wonders  are very much available and our Heavenly Father is very much at work.

 As for me and speaking in Tongues  I am much like yourself up until now it has been a private thing between myself and the Lord. Although if the time arises for me to speak pubicly I am more than willing. I will however need the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Once again Thanks


I appreciate hearing all of the personal experiences with speaking in tongues, I've seen some things that had made me very cautious, perhaps overly cautious...but cautious none-the-less.


A Pastor once suggested to me that I should just start speaking in tongues...which felt unnatural to me of coarse, as I guess it would to anyone.  My concern with this is, to suggest to someone that they just start talking and it will come, also suggests that everyone is blessed with this gift.  The bible says otherwise. The Holy Spirit is the One who determines who gets what gifts.


Another time I was in a community prayer meeting...and the leader of the meeting of several hundred people said that she wanted everyone to speak in their own private tongue very loudly and boldy all outloud all at the same time.  I don't speak in tongues.  I felt intimidated, overwhelmed, confused, unwelcomed, not good enough...  all these feelings of inadequacy swept over me.  I remember seeing some people praying in tongues, but their eyes looked kindof vacant, some people were stomping, falling to the ground, others seemed to be in deep worship..  I was very uncomfortable, and I wanted to leave, but I stayed because of who I was with. 


I haven't desired to have this gift since then.


Blessings, Carla

Hi Nancy,


I found this piece of article from;


At the same time, if the gift of speaking in tongues were active in the church today, it would be performed in agreement with Scripture. It would be a real and intelligible language (1 Corinthians 14:10). It would be for the purpose of communicating God's Word with a person of another language (Acts 2:6-12). It would be in agreement with the command God gave through the apostle Paul, “If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God” (1 Corinthians 14:27-28). It would also be in accordance with 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

Even though at the time I was a new believer, I knew that speaking in tongues had to be done in an orderly fashion.  It kind of scared me.  My thought was that they weren't fearful of the consequences for behaving in a disorderly fashion in a church gathering.  Everything else they were saying and doing seemed to be very good, except for that..  Now I'm left in a place where I avoid the gift because of that experience.


However, I do believe that God does still give the gift to some..  I think that probably all those people really believe they had the gift, but the way it was manifested went against God's word.

Nancy,  I do desire for the gift, but I think God knows that I'm still not comfortable with it because of that experience.  I believe that it does edify and enrich the person who is praying and brings them into a deep communion with God...  God will know when and if the time is right for me.


I am encouraged knowing that HE has gifted me with other gifts. 


Blessings back at ya.. :-D

Love in Christ, Carla



I desire the gift if the Lord decides that I should have it because it will bring me in closer communion with Him in my prayer time. 

One of the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given me is the gift of faith, and that is so amazing to me... I try to use that continually to help encourage others and help them.  I'm thankful for that gift in particular because it has helped me get through very difficult times in my life.  Those difficult times have helped me to grow in Love, it seems to go hand and hand with the gift of encouragement also.  God is really amazing how He works all things together for our good and His Glory. 


Whatever we do, It's all for Him.  hey sis... :-D

Blessings, Carla

I remember immediately after the incident, the girl leading the prayer meeting said 'This is not a show, if you are not a believer would you please leave'...  It seemed wierd because she had just told everyone to speak in tongues.  It seemed that her assumption was (or my impression was) that she was saying if you don't have the gift of tongues than you don't know the Lord.  I was very hurt by the comment at the time because, like I said, I was new to the faith, and I love the Lord..    Anyway..  it was very uncomfortable for me and hurtful.  I think sometimes the body can say and do hurtful things without really knowing what they are doing or the hurt they have caused..  I'm certain I am guilty of that in some capacity.  Lord have mercy on us all.



Amanda,  all good thoughts.. 

 Thanks for your POV regarding the girl leading the group... I'm hoping that's what she was doing. 

As I study the Word of God, I want to share what I learn with others and if they understand better than I do, then I learn something. And so I am learning by what you all are saying about the gift of speaking in tongues. I think any gift that is given by the Holy Spirit is given at a particular time and for a particular purpose. Regardless of the gift. Use of all gifts should be for the building up of the other person (edification). No gift should be used to cause a person to be insecure. I think one of the things about gifts is that one uses them to edify themselves( all.). My reasoning is that when we accomplish something we take great pride in it (some of us). The gift should be done to the glory of God and God alone. He is the One that provides the gifts to us. In this age of Grace God has given us all things, but we need to use them in knowledge and wisdom. We need to believe God over all others. We need to believe without doubting. Difficult to do when we have lots of different people telling us lot of different things. We need to know what God wants. We don't need to be tossed around by unsound doctrine.

We need to know who we are in Christ. I think each of us are different. I read what you all post every day and every day am amazed at how different things impact each of you. How each of you handle a different problem. More than anything I desire to grow in the Lord, and to see my growth. I want to hear what you think about certain subjects...not because I want to think like you so much as I want to see all the amazing things God is doing in each life.

I don't think any one should be pushed in a particular direction by another person. God made each of us to compliment the other and to compliment Him by what He gives to each of us. I seldom hear anyone relate the parable of the talents but we have all heard it. We all get a different amount. I don't think it is the amount we get but the way we use what we are given. I think that all of you are spending your *talents* wisely.

Jesus said we would do more than He and I think that is happening. We might not be able to do each thing that Christ did here on earth, but at least we are trying to accomplish some of what He did.

And that, my friends, blesses my heart!

Thanks again Rita for sharing. Truely The Lord has blessed you

Wow great word. As for speaking in tongues  remember the disciples spoke and all understood. Taking that simple meaning you speak in tongues well. Why does man have to complicate.


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