All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is His purpose?

How do we get Him?

How are we baptized by Him?


I would like us all to put our knowledge of the Holy Spirit together so that we can better understand Him.

He is an awesome part of our Christianity but do we really know Him?

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I hope you will have some input as well. I think everyone has some misguided perception of the Third Person of the Trinity and I pray all of us learn from this topic. :)


i know what you mean, i was watching some female preacher on GOD channel( i never watch that channel anymore) theres so much more 'normal' ones to be found. Anyway, every few minutes she'd twitch her head and make weird yelping sounds. Was either put on or from nowhere Id like to be. Ive heard others talk of places where people roll about and make weird animal sounds. Very troubling.


This topic is posted for all those who want to participate in a godly manner. I would hope that no one tries to shoot down the comments of another.

I think that we all may wonder about the Holy Spirit living inside of us because we are still able to do those carnal things that are so out of line with the way Christ would want us to be. If we strive to renew our mind we are less likely to go the way of carnality. However, this is something that isn't achieved over night or possible during a lifetime. I think it is something that we grow with.

Amanda and I were talking of the Holy Spirit on another topic, and I think we all need to desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus didn't minister to our knowledge until He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit which happened at the time of His water baptism.

Before Christ ascended into heaven, He told the apostles not to do anything until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost, there was a large baptism that occurred and now I think we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit as we desire it. At that point we are able to accomplish many things for Christ, be we need the empowering first.

Lucy and Amanda,

I use the gift of tongues for my spiritual communication with God. If I am troubled with something I speak to God about it in tongues. I have no clue what my spirit is praying but I do know that after my prayer, God gives me what to do. The answer comes into my mind so I know how to act. Hopefully, one day soon I will be able to interpret exactly what my spirit is praying...but for right now , it works.

The fact that both of you saw things that you felt weren't from God tells me that you have discernment of the spirits. This is a most important gift. You are able to tell what is right and what is wrong. I also have this gift as I need it.

One thing that I suggest you practice. These gifts are available as you need them. Keep that in mind. The gift isn't going to deceive you. As you need to discern a spirit, the ability is there for you to use. Just like the other gifts. They will be available when you need them. One thing to remember is that the gift is yours for your use in glorifying God. I don't think we actually hold them as a possession. When you need to evangelize, the gift will be there. When you need to teach, the gift will be there. Your part is that you believe that you have already received it.

Regarding speaking in tongues, I have just recently realized that I had that gift. I have had the occasion when a friend was being prayed for and it was done in tongues. I, even though I wasn't in close proximity, had the interpretation. For the greatest success in the Christian walk, you must believe.

Blessings to you both...



First of all, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is actually accusing that what is truly from the Holy Spirit, to the account of a demon.

I've struggled with the learning of Who the Holy Spirit was for a very long time. I am beginning to understand Him more and more through this study. It is the utmost value to me in my walk as a Christian. As you study, you will see that Christianity is a growth process. God has made everything available to us. It will be delivered as we have need of it.

I can see, by your growth, that you are expanding in knowledge of God and His ways. There is no timetable for learning...only necessary that we develop our thirst for all He says. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding and your understanding is growing.

You are growing mightily, my sister.



Hi Amanda,


I came across your post regarding blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, ...just to expand on what Rita has already answered you... This article goes into more depth:


Question: "What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?"

The concept of “blasphemy against the Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. The term blasphemy may be generally defined as “defiant irreverence.” The term can be applied to such sins as cursing God or willfully degrading things relating to God. It is also attributing some evil to God, or denying Him some good that we should attribute to Him. This case of blasphemy, however, is a specific one, called “the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 12:31. In Matthew 12:31-32, the Pharisees, having witnessed irrefutable proof that Jesus was working miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit, claimed instead that the Lord was possessed by the demon “Beelzebub” (Matthew 12:24). Now notice that in Mark 3:30 Jesus is very specific about what they did to commit “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

This blasphemy has to do with someone accusing Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed instead of Spirit-filled. As a result, this particular incidence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be duplicated today. Jesus Christ is not on earth—He is seated at the right hand of God. No one can witness Jesus Christ performing a miracle and then attribute that power to Satan instead of the Spirit. The closest example today would be attributing the miracle of a redeemed person’s changed life to Satan’s power rather than to the effects of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The blasphemy of the Spirit today, which is the same as the unpardonable sin, is the state of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in unbelief. Continual rejection of the Holy Spirit’s promptings to trust in Jesus Christ is the unpardonable blasphemy against Him. Remember what is stated in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Further on in the same chapter is the verse “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him” (John 3:36). The only condition wherein someone would have no forgiveness is if he is not among the “whoever believes in Him,” for it is he who “rejects the Son.”

Recommended Resource: Hard Sayings of the Bible by Kaiser, Davids, Bruce, & Brauch.

Amanda,  I don't think so.  Because the sin 'blasphemy of the Holy Spirit' is to die in unbelief.  to refuse Christ until one's last breath.

 It is the sin of unbelief, and dying in that.


Blessings, Carla

I was thinking about the marriage at Cana. The wedding had run out of wine and they needed more with no place to get it. When Mary requested that Jesus handle the problem, He said His time had not yet come. I never could understand what that meant exactly...but now I understand that He had not been Spirit baptized yet. Jesus didn't do miracles until He was baptized by water and the Holy Spirit. I think that particular miracle was because He knew His Father would allow Him to accomplish this miracle.

The disciples were told to wait to minister until the Holy Spirit came to them (right before Christ ascended.)

Both of these situations make me realize that first comes the water baptism. After comes the Spirit baptism. We need to wait for the Spirit baptism to be able to minister under the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to ask for the baptisms. We ask for the water baptism after we are saved. We ask for the Spirit baptism to be able to minister to others through the Holy Spirit. If we minister ahead of the Spirit baptism, it ends up being a carnal effort.




I was in the same position as you. Then I asked God for wisdom in His Word. He has given me a great deal of growth over the years and yet there is so much more to knowing Him. We grow together, sister.  I strive to know all and don"t try to close my heart and mind to anything, always under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

God blesses me richly every day and I thank Him for it.

I will continue to share with you as the Lord makes me privy to it.

I did want to mention that though Jesus' stories are called parables, I think everything He said was relating a true story or something that had happened to someone at some point in time.

Understanding comes as we are able to receive it. You will continue to have greater understanding as you grow in the Word. Our growth in God's Word will continue until we are at home with Him.


Blessings to you and your, Janet....


Sister Rita,


Jesus is God - Does God need to be Spirit baptized? We know that God in the second person (Jesus) did emptied himself from His heavenly Glory (Phil. 2), but does that tell us that He needed to be Spirit baptized? If so, when was He Spirit baptized?


>>He said His time had not yet come. I never could understand what that meant exactly...but now I understand that He had not been Spirit baptized yet. Jesus didn't do miracles until He was baptized by water and the Holy Spirit...


Beloved there is no reason to add to Jesus’ words or the revelation of God in this instance, since Jesus himself gave us the reason why He did not welcome the request. His time had not yet come.


What miracles did Jesus perform before he was water baptized AND Spirit baptized? Why did the Holy Spirit lead Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan?

What words did I add to Jesus? I always wondered why He said His time had not yet come and now I understand it....because He was in His human form at that time. This is my understanding. It doesn't have to be your understanding.



Jesus did not perform any miracles before He did, simply because the time of that part of His ministry among men had not come yet. Other events had to happened like being baptized, but nowhere in scripture do we read that Jesus needed to be Holy Spirit baptized to perform miracles? Matter of fact John did not want to baptize Him because the Lamb of God had no sins, but He did it to set the example, to show his dependence on the Father as we should depend on the Father as well and to fulfill the righteousness of Scripture. His baptism did point to the beginning of His public earthly ministry, but it does not mean He needed to be Holy Spirit Baptize when He is God. Even John the Baptize was full of the Spirit from Elizabeth's pregnancy. How much more the one who was always about the Father's business, the one true God in the flesh. 


For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb. (NASB) Luke 1:15


"Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness," and at Jesus' urging, John consents (Matthew 3:14-15).


"I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. I would not have known him, except that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.' I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God" (John 1:32-34).


"You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached -- how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him" (Acts 10:37-38).


It used to be that kings were anointed by God's prophets and we believe that at the time of Jesus’ baptism, God the Father was anointing Jesus for public service/ministry.


Having looked at the issue again has help me see that there would be nothing wrong with stating that Jesus was Holy Spirit baptized at the time of his water baptism though and so some good has come out of our exchange.


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