All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I completely believe that even as Born again followers of Christ we can continually fall into "pits" and God is there carrying us through it when it strikes but can anything really HOLD us in the pit ?
This question is not being raised to hurt. It is being raised to HELP as I am seeing many being held in these pits within the Christian family on-line AND off-line.

Father God,
Help us all to share freely as your children and in love in this sharing. Let it be a testimonial of Your love and light for Your Glory. In Jesus most precious Name,Amen

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Great discussion  I am no expert on depression  but David's reply sounds so true. Especially like the part meditating on God's word and  EXPECTING Him to act.  I do however understand the feeling of loss as I was delivered from alcohol  then delivered from sexual addiction and a couple things. The Father has more thatn shown me His mercy and grace. Yet I just can not seem to kick the smoking addiction. A man who just suffered a major heart attack and I struggle with cigarettes. I can only give it to God  and expect Him to act.  We must keep focused and realize that regardless of situations there is always HOPE. One more thing  a forum like this I believe is  exactly what The Lord  meant when He said Dress and keep the earth. The Lord has truely blessed you all.
Wow! How did you do that AGAIN dean. Bought my last pack of cigarettes days ago. Eating lots of munchies though. Ha!
Pray for me that I may say the same soon.  Although I do eat lots of munchies already
have been praying about that since God pulled off that miracle of keeping you alive to testify to it for His glory! Will keep doing so for both of us Dean! :D



For clarity I have the following to say the AAG community as TheNET Coordinator:


For some it is not simply about letting go. There are many causes for depression that the individual person has no control over. We also know that there is not a demon behind every trial in life, including depression. We live in a fallen world with fallen people and have been told that we will face many trials in this life. My mom was diagnosed with mental disorder (a form of depression) that required medication years before she went home to be with the Lord. Without the medication she could not interact with people. Her situation was not simply letting go. There are times when people need to be encouraged to seek local professional help. We need to be very careful on the internet when dealing with depressed people. More harm can come from it than good due to the variety of views held by professing Christians. The depressed person is not operating with a clear mind and what they are told, regardless of its intent, will be viewed through their perception which is their reality at the time.


AAG is not a counseling site and we need to make sure we recognize the line of engaging people regarding Bible subjects and trying to diagnose a problem (physical or mental) and seek to give them the solution when we don't really know the person or the details of their situation beyond the little that will be revelaed in these short exchanges on TheNET.


Remember, it is not what you say that makes the most impact, but how it is received. Truth is truth, but often we see truth given with opinion mixed in. When discussing a subject, that is one thing. When discussing a person's physiclal or mental health, that is another.


Lord Bless,


This discussion was intended for no other reason but to address God's authority and His power of which I do not think many,many born again followers of Christ are being taught or aware of. I am not aware however of anyone mentioning demons as I don( even care for that word as I much prefer to concentrate on God's sovereinity and love that is where my thoughts and heart have been on this discussion. It was never meant tio be anything else with all due respect I cannot say i can be responsible for someone elses perspective or perception.
Just yesterday I was at a loss as to questioning if I am even in the proper plave to discuss our lords power over strongholds,disease and sickness.
I truly apologizethat someone has been offended by my stand for my Lords unlimited power. I will remove this discussion and stick to blog writting to glorify his awesomeness

Lord bless
After prayer I have changed this title. This discussion is ABOUT GOD and I AM in the right place! Thankyou and once again I do apologize I that I failed to discern volitility on the subject matter
Lord bless,



My comments were to the whole community as stated and not directed at you personally. This issue is not a new one. I found that this was a good oportunity to speak on this subject, especially regarding trying to counsel over the internet, and some of the problems that arise and even at times problems that are caused by people even with the best of intentions. Some of the problems also occur because of the manner in which a person receives the comments.


Lord Bless,


I understand that Lt But I feel responsible since this is a discussion that I started myself. I am a little upset this day that it has hurt someone. I am having trouble keeping up to what is said here as I no longer have a computer and I do it all by mobile now. I prayerfully pray for the pain this has caused others

Lord bless,
LT good comment    in a discussion such as this I often wonder what exactly is healing. And as for miraculous healings  I had  a team of doctors working on me and what wisdom The Father had given them was miraculous. Praise The Lord!!   So yes I wonder exactly what healing is could it be The Father walking through the times of trouble with us. And ultimately having the God given strength to help another. I love the "Footprints in the sand". Describes my life and I thank The Lord everyday for the HEALINGS
I have seen and been a witness to three miraculous healings where a multitude of Christian family held prayer chains and vigils in this town since I have been here. One was a healing of sorts where the man cried out to the Lord the night before he left to be with our heavenly father,to release him from his pain of serious illness. He received Jesus that night and the next day our Lord answered his prayer. That was in November last year. The next was in January. A friend and coworker was rushed by air ambulance when he was bleeding into his brain. They called his daughter from. The States to come here about a week later and told her to come to Canada as soon as possible as he was not expected to make it through the night. They could not get a clear scan of his brain because there was still so much blood. The family was raised mormon and the daughter brought some family with her. They prayed over him with a laying on of hands and were amazed as his body went into convulsons as they prayed over him. Within two hours they tried another scan and there was not a trace of blood or clots to be found. He had been bleeding in three areas of the brain. Two weeks later ,he sat enjoying a hamburger in the restaurant we worked in together. And then there is yours Dean, directly on the heels of this other mans healing. The first man God saw his pain. I saw his pain as well but the mioracle was that he had been an unbeliever all of his life buyt in the end ,God freed him and released him but also welcomed him home ! PRAISE OUR FATHER GOD!
As I have always said The Father works in all our lives not just the believers. I personally have a multitude of instances  when God showed His mercy  long before I was a believer. The one difference is the end judgement. Praise The Lord for His Mercy and Grace.


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