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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Obedience is better than sacrifice, this scripture has always stuck w/ me. When we damage relationships between each other let’s say lie, we work at building trust up again.
“Can we believe them again,” “can they trust me again ? “ Both sides of the coin at work on the same issue, just different perspectives. Trying to come back to a place, that they may never be able to fully return to. Trust broken is a hard bridge to repair. We can forgive, and we can say sorry but, our actions have to back those things up.
God has the advantage on us, He weighs our hearts. From His eyes He does not have to wonder if we are sincere or not. Where we spend that time not sure if they are sorry or not, He already knows. I think one layer of 1 Sam 15:22 is, obey Me so you don’t have to waste time feeling bad or falling deeper into disobedience. Give Me your heart, I can hear Him say. Don’t give into that sin, it may overtake you for awhile.
I know this verse has more to say to us. What do you think when you read this.

1Sam 15:22 Then Samuel said, "Is the LORD as delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as he would be with your obedience? To follow instructions is better than to sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrificing the fat of rams.

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This scripture has special meaning to me Chris. A few years ago I was listening to a lot of peoples voices and a lot of niise. People were telling me which way I should go but the lord had spoken in no uncertain terms that I was to go in a different direction , even though it meant turning my back on things I had been dreaming of. Even though I was under a great deal of pressure by some to go in the direction God said NO to. I listened to HIM. Since then ,His plan gets clearer and clearer. He led me to a home church that I love with a christian family. I had searched for a home church for 2 years where I used to live. 1,700 hundre miles away. I came here with nothing but my beloved dog. He has provided every step of the way. I do not have very much. But what I DO have was given to me by my father. Ihe has truly blessed me and this week I start teaching Sunday school to the little ones. All because I shut out mans voices and obeyed our Lord. God is good ,my friend. Love in Christ,Nancy
As tough as it can be at times I agree. The obvious reason being The Lord didn't ask for the sacrifice of fatted rams.  He asked for obedience.


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