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Dear SBG, coming to Christ from a Hindu culture is enough to attract demonic activity. It's just like coming to Christ from any occultic background - demons are going to manifest if you have once been connected to them. Hinduism is one of the worst for demonic activity, it's part of their idol worship and the fact that they have 300,000,000 gods. 


Hello Sis,

Just a piece of advise...need to know that we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heaveny world,the rulers,autorities and cosmic powers of this dark age. So put on Gods armour now.(Ephesians 6: 12-14)

James 4:7-8  Resist the devil and he shall flee from you. Maybe there are some open door for the devil to return. Submit yoursel before the Lord. Dedicate your house, Rooms and pray for the cleansing of his wonderful blood on the doorway,windows and opening outside the house. If possible write down the bible verse on the iceblock sticks (Psalm 91) and bury it around the house. Im doing it as well and it really helps. We need the Word of God.

I will pray for you. God Bless. Remember that is the last trick the devil is trying to do to distract you away from the presence of God. Just Stay foccused on him.

Let's keep praying for Aditi, and Christopher King, and me ( John )too. I had a weird attack the other night. WHEW, I sure don't like it, but...God is in charge.


I need a prayer to FAST. I started today, and failed, usually get weak, and dizzy, or headaches. But I am doing a video game fast, but I want to do a food fast, like I used to. Please take the time to pray.

Psalm 109:24 KJV 

My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.

Isaiah 58:6 KJV

Is not this the fast that I have chosen ? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Hi Aditi,



I don't know if you’re truly under a demonic attack, but what I can tell you is this. All fallen angels including Satan are created beings made by God. Why is this important to know? Because as created entities they have no choice but to obey the Son of God since God himself created them. You simply have to name them and command them to go in the name of Jesus. You can name them whatever you want to. Call them whatever you like. If they are hindering you, than call them a hindering spirit. The fallen Angels have no choice in the matter. Through the blood of Christ in the name of Jesus you have the power to bind them (through him). It's just the same as you telling your dog to "lie down" or "sit". To Jesus these fallen angels are nothing more than a nuisance. The Son of God brushes them away like flies at a picnic. When you paint a picture it is your creation, but the picture doesn’t tell you what to do, does it? When you get tired of looking at it, you throw it in the trash and burn it. Jesus does the same with fallen angels. He just tosses them out like trash. Believe me; they all know who Jesus is. In the New Testament, when confronted by Jesus in person they would scream out his name in terror. He actually had to tell them to shut up. You have nothing to fear from them at all. In the name of Jesus, just toss them out like trash.... It is just that simple.


Many Blessings.

I believe you. I have demons around me and they sometimes used to wake me up. I do not know what to do because I still have them around me. What you did is good, asking here for help. I think maybe the demons are a punishment for the sins I did because I cannot get them away. And DON'T believe it when someone tells you they have to leave in Jesus's name. They DON'T sometimes. All I can say is pray to Jesus and ask for help like you did.

I have heard several testimonies, where demons don't leave.

God is still in control, and they would not be there, without God,s knowledge or permission ( or WE give place to the devil, as it says in scriptires).

A lady in our church fasted and prayer for 3 years, and God then freed her.

The bible says there is a TIME to heal.When demons don't leave, Jesus said "Some don't come out but only with prayer and fasting".

From what I went throught, giving place to the devil, I brought this upon myself, and it takes a time to heal.

I do believe I will be totally free of this stuff that affects me, someday. And I do walk out my faith, to reflect Jesus Christ in my life.

To Matthew John Woken  

What you posted is similar to many other stories. Keep fasting, praying, and get local Christians to pray with you.

To  Aditi

You are still in my prayers, along with 6 others, who have similar things



Don't sin or else the demons could get worse, and try fasting and prayer. Fasting and prayer might do it, but I never tried fasting yet. 


I would say build up your faith that Christ will protect you and the demons will flee. When you tell the demons to flee in Christ's Name, speak it KNOWING that they have to leave. Put faith in Christ in your heart where another religion once was.

Blessings to you as you battle this,



I will be in prayer and warfare w/ and for you.  When I read you felt powerless and terrrified my heart truly goes

out for you.  You must understand that you my feel that (i can understand that also) but the truth is so are not

powerless.  The Power in you is stronger in any thing attacking you.  Reach out to older christians who know how to do warfare in this area.  I don't know why this is happening to you, but what I do believe is you do have strength in you to stand.  You may not yet, know how powerful but I believe in Jesus Name you will.  It would seem, the enemy knows about you, and does not want you to serve the Lord.  Aditi you are not alone me and mine will stand w/ you and yours. I come against any and all the wicked powers that are attacking you in the MOST POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS. 


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