First of all let’s look at John 3:16 ''For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.''
There are 4 elements or features of this significance.
-The benefactor
-The substitute
-The beneficiaries
-The benefits
The difference between Christianity and all other "'religions'' is human achievement.
All other religions try to use human achievement or religious ceremonies or though certain religious duties and/or actions. They try to/ want to appease the deity of there sins.
Christianity proclaims a God who loves. Who loves so much he is a savior! God our savior who will have all men to be saved and to come to know the knowledge of the truth. The good news is that you don’t have to somehow work out your own righteousness. The good news is that God is the benefactor. He knows what satisfies his righteousness and his holiness. He has effected that satisfaction. The price of sin has been paid and he now offers you forgiveness and reconciliation. That’s the gospel.
It was Gods plan.
We were reconciled for our sins by God alone.
Nothing man can/cannot do can reconcile with God. (Human achievement can not reconcile)
-Benefactor is God
Only he knew what it took to bear the burden of sin, to endure the punishment of his fury. While the world may call the gospel and the work of Jesus Christ foolish, it if to those who believe the wisdom of God his reconciliation. Only he know what would satisfy his righteous requirement. It is the purest and profoundest wisdom that the infinitely holy God could devise a plan consistent with his infinite holiness to reconcile utterly wicked sinners. Only God. So God is the benefactor.
'God so loved the world that ''He Gave''
Now what did it take?
It took death. old testament Ezekiel 18:20, the person who sins will die. As it says in the new testament "The wages of sin is death.'
God made it abundantly clear throughout the whole old testament.
The Jews had to continually massacre animals, millions, and millions, and millions of them to deal with sin, to show people how wicked they were and how sin required death. And every time they would sin it was back to another death, back to killing another animal. And they were wearied of that and longing for the ultimate Lamb who once and for all would take away the sin of the world and end this carnage. The animals were symbols that God's law can only be satisfied through death and made the people long with all their hearts for a final substitute.
-The substitute.
Well the father sent one and he didn’t come reluctantly, not at all. Jesus said no one can kill me without my consent - I lay my life down voluntarily. I am the good shepherd and know my own sheep, and they know me, just as my father knows me and I know the father, and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep, too, in another fold. I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd. The father loves me because I lay down my life that I may have it back again. No one can kill me without my consent - I lay down my life voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also the authority to take it again. For the father has given me this right.
First was the benefactor who is God, second is substitute. And the substitute is identified -
'He made him who knew no sin.'
No sinner could die for another sinner because he would have to pay the penalty for his own sins. There has to be a sinless offering. And it had to be a man who dies for man. So it had to be a sinless man. And to have a sinless man, had to be a man who was God. And that’s exactly what God designed, that the second member of the trinity, sinless and perfect, equally holy with the other two members of the trinity would come into the world in the form of a man. He was not to have a human father, Joseph knew he could not be the father. The angel told Joseph 'That which was conceived in her was of the holy spirit. No one else is qualified. Christ died for sins, the just to the unjust. Epistle and verse 24, 'He bore our sins in his own body on the cross that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. But He (verse 22) committed no sin.'
Isaiah 53 verse 5 'He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities. And the chastening that fell on him was because of us.'
verse 6 ‘’All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way but the lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him. 'He didn't die for his own but for our sin. He was treated as every sinner cumulatively deserve to be treated and all the fury was poured on him.
All who try to reconcile to God through works are cursed. Why? Because it says in Deuteronomy, ''cursed is everyone who doesn’t abide by all things written in the book of the law to perform them.’’ Because the first time you violate one law your damned. It just takes one. Cursed is everyone who doesn’t keep all that is written in the book of the law. So if your going to try to reconcile yourself to God through human effort, every time you do that you put yourself under a curse because it only takes one violation. So the whole human race is cursed.
The substitute is Christ and by imputation receives our sin and dies for them, taking our place.
-The beneficiaries.
'He made him who knew no sin, to, be sin on our behalf.''
who is the beneficiaries?
''Any man who is in Christ who is a new creation, old things passed away and new things have come.'
But even with that change we wouldn't have sufficient righteousness to satisfy a hold God. And he has to cover us in the righteousness of Christ to make us acceptable, until He can get us to glory and we'll be made righteous. It is for us, us who are in Christ then, us that have been reconciled that he died in our place. The actual substitution is for all those who will believe.
-The benefit.
This is the purpose: ''in order that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.'
God imputed sin to Him as he is holy> Were sinful, God imputed holiness to us. This is why all your sin is automatically forgiven in the eternal sense because Jesus already paid the penalty. God cant hold you responsible for your sin, Jesus paid the full penalty for it, took the full fury for it.
How do you get in on this?
Believe. Believe what? Believe that your a sinner, believe you're in a desperate situation, you're desperately alienated from God. Believe that you have no hope of reconciliation and you will in this life live Godlessly and in your next life you will suffer external torment. And believe all of that. And then believe that God sent him son into the world in the form of a man to die as your substitute and take your place and that He took the full fury of the wrath of God upon Him. And believe that the affirmation that God's justice was satisfied was the fact that God raised Jesus... what?... from the dead. And when God raised him from the dead He was saying ''I am satisfied.’’ And the God exalted Jesus to His right hand where He sits at the right hand of God on the throne and God says when that was done, when he offered himself and satisfied My justice, I gave him.. Philippians 2 .. a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee in the universe must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord. That’s what you believe. That’s the gospel. And when you believe that by faith, simply believing that, God in His mercy takes the righteousness of Jesus Christ and imputes it to you because your sins were imputed to Christ when he died on the cross. The atonement that Christ made was for you. And you come to believe and you receive the imputed righteousness. And then you live in this life and in eternity in the presence of God in absolute perfection. That’s the Gospel. That’s Christianity. That’s it.
The benefactor is God, its all his plan, it comes out of His love. The substitute is Jesus Chris who took your place, the perfect God/man. The beneficiaries, all of us for whom he died, those who will believe. And the benefit, you receive the righteousness of God imputed to you as if you were equal to Jesus Christ in holiness. And someday you will be made holy. But until then, your covered with the righteousness of God in Christ. And it becomes yours through faith, believe, repent, put your faith in Jesus Christ.
Check this vids out Larry.
My apology i cannot view the video for my pc need upgrade to install new programs. tnx . God bless
You are welcome my bro and that is too bad, they are good vids. :)
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