All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

In 2001 I had a complete nervous breakdown. I woke up three days later in a psychiatric hopsital and after that morning I spent the next three years in and out of that hopsital. I attempted suicide on more than one occassion and became a cutter to try to ease my emotional pain. My doctors were at a loss so they transferred me to another Dr. who had the patience to go through 9 different medications before one actually gave me my will to live again. My psychologist was able to break down my thinking and help me see that when I was hurting I didn't have to turn my anger on myself and hurt myself to feel better. I began to recover and be functional again. but it was not until I turned my life back over to God that I was truly healed. I took the Major depression, the bi-polar disorder, the anxiety and the PTSD and kicked their butts with God leading me the whole way. I went from 8 medications a day to two. I keep my mind and heart on God and his will for my life and I have learned to wake each day with joy in my heart and appreciation for another day to get to know the Lord better. I often think my experiences were all so that I could reach out to others and maybe my story would touch someone else and give them encouragement. I don't know yet where God is taking me. but Ive been off disability for four years and working steady, Im happy with who I am and my life, and most of all with my relationship with God. The Doctors were a true blessing in my life but God HEALED me from the inside out. So, with that said, never give up, never let this world or the things in it get you down. I can't quote bible verses yet or give great advice, but I can tell you that only God can fill the emptiness and hurt in any life or heart.

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Thanks for sharing; God bless you!
You had an awesome recovery. Human recovery is temporary & limited, but God will heal you in every way, especially spiritually & eternally. I'm glad you hung in there to show that God is still the healer & hero of those who wait on the Lord.
 I have also lived with depression and bi-polar disorder most of my life. However, it wasn't til 76 years ago I was diagnosed because i had other medical issues that caused it to be overlooked. When I was diagnosed there was no help or support where I live so my husband and I founded HOPEWORKS, a support network for people with mental illness. We meet twice amonth in our community and also have a website ( We have both become involved in other advocacy work such as Suicide Awareness and Prevention  training, Peer Support Specialist training, In our Own Voice (IOOV), BRIDGES, and more.  I really believe getting involved in advocacy was one of the purposes God had for me  when I lived with mental health issues all theses years. I use to to several anti-depressant meds but am taking nothing  for it now. I am fortunate that the medicine I take for my seizures (Lamictal), also works as a mood stabilizer. I have not had any problems for a couple of years now. PTL!
Austin...Yo are definately in my prayers brother! i understand more than anyone could ever know the things you are going through. I can remember days when I prayed for God to take my last breath at a fell asleep at night. I laid for days in my bed and stared at tv or the wall and wished I could just end the suffering in my mind. But I am here to tell you, Dr.s can help. Therapy is awesome for learning how to sort your thinking and deal with your feelings. But brother, get down on your knees every morning and all day long if you have to and cry out to the Lord because only Jesus Christ can truly heal the hurt and emptiness you have in your heart and life. If there is anything i can do, any question i can answer, any prayer I can add, please let me know. Truly praying for you and yoru family!!
 Dear Austin, You will be in my prayers. I'm sorry you are going through extremely difficult times right now. I  not only have bi-polar disorder, but my 22 yr old son also has it too. Thursday I finally through him out of the house because he's gotten into so much trouble and has lost a lot too.  He's got bi-polar disorder, agoraphobia, he's an alcoholic and he's doing drugs. He has been drinking even here when I told him not to. He's been stealing my seizure meds as well as codeine and been doing all this  for several months now.He's got a girlfriend with schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder who  just 2 weeks ago his girlfriend who had a miscarriage due to all the drugs.  After repeatedly telling him to clean his act up and him refusing to, we came to blows and I threw him out. It's been coming a long time  and it wasn't something I wanted to do, but it was  just  God 's timing. He carries us through anything so  He will carry you and my son through things too.


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