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With all of the calamities, signs of wars, anti-Christ and others. Is really the end of days is fast approaching?

There are who predicted that it is day of our Lord jesus Christ return but its a shame on them, it never happened. what is the basis of their mis-leading calculations, inspite the Bible declares it not for us to know the time and hour. with Bible facts and with help of all advanced technology what is the possibilty of right calculations? is this signs really the signs declares in the scriptures?


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Roy, this is true, but we also need to see how God works in prophecy: multiple fulfillments, each fulfilling more completely than the previous one - or fulfilling other parts in latter times. 


This was true with the destruction and desolation of Tyre.

This was true in the case of John the Baptist coming in the Spirit and power of Elijah. 

This was (and will be) true with the first and second coming of Christ. 


You are quite right in assessing Jerusalem's destruction as past tense. 

24:34 this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Several interpretations have been offered for this difficult passage: (1) Some think “this generation” refers to the disciples who were alive when Jesus was speaking, and “all these things” refers to the beginning but not the completion of the sufferings described in vv. 4–25. (2) Others see in “all these things” a prediction with multiple fulfillments, so that Jesus’ disciples will be both “this generation” that sees the destruction of the temple in a.d. 70 and also those at the end of the age who see the events surrounding the “abomination of desolation” (v. 15). (3) Since “the generation of …” in the OT can mean people who have a certain quality (cf. Ps. 14:5; 24:6; cf. Gk. genea in Luke 16:8), others understand “this generation” to refer either (a) to “this generation of believers” throughout the entire present age, or (b) to “this evil generation” that will remain until Christ returns to establish his kingdom (cf. Matt. 12:45; Luke 11:29). (4) Others, particularly some dispensational interpreters, understand “generation” to mean “race” (this is another sense of Gk. genea) and think it refers to the Jewish people, who will not pass away until Christ returns. (5) Others understand “this generation” to mean the generation that sees “all these things” (Matt. 24:33), namely, the generation alive when the final period of great tribulation begins. According to this view, the illustration of the fig tree (v. 32) shows that when the final events begin, Christ will come soon. Just as “all these things” in v. 33 refers to events leading up to but not including Christ’s return, so in v. 34 “all these things” refers to the same events (that is, the events described in vv. 4–25).
Crossway Bibles: The ESV Study Bible. Wheaton, IL : Crossway Bibles, 2008, S. 1875
My interpretation is dispensational.
Blessings, Rita

I think most of us sometimes forget or are not aware of the total desolation of Jerusalem and its state in AD 70 by the Roman army. We are still looking for a fulfillment of something that has already taken place. The Roman army desolated that country virtually utterly for almost two milleniums. Then, in 1948, the nation was restored. It could just be that it is that generation that would see the fulfillment of all things spoken here by Christ. If so, those born in 1948 would still be around when He returns. Of course, He wants us to understand that we really won't understand or know that day for only the Father Himself knew of the day or hour. If this interpretation is correct, He will be here soon. The fact that part of His prophecy has come true does let us know the rest will as well. He will one day appear in the skies and every eye shall see Him. That is now possible with modern technology. When He appears, everyone will see Him and many hearts will melt with fear. We, on the other hand will be rejoicing. I would not want to be one of those who has rejected Him when that even takes place.

Blessings as we continue to serve Him and look for His return.

Matthew 24: 34  .................... until all these things have happenned.

Isn't the " all these things " mention here is from v1 to v33?

Desolation of jerusalem here i think is only a part of whole context?

Please correct me here if i'm wrong. Is the whole context not included in v34?

We use to sing a song years ago called; Soon and Very Soon We Are going To See The King. That day is approaching and our hearts as believers yearn for his coming. He did not tell us the day so we would always live and anticipation of His coming.

Jesus said we are to know the season and to discern the signs of the times, but that only the Father knows the day and the hour. I don't know how much clearer He could have made it. Jesus said we are to watch. We are to be vigilant and be about the business of our Lord until the time when He will return. The time will come as a thief in the night, He said, which means literally without warning. That is why I never listen to anyone who claims to know the very day of the Lord's return. We are to know the season, however. There are parallels in the book of Revelation that seem to point to festivals of the Lord: The Feast of Trumpets (starts at sunset on 28 September this year) and the repeated sounding of trumpets to announce important happenings/stages/events in the Revelation; the fact that no man is to know the exact day or the hour when the Son of Man shall appear and the testimony of the Two Witnesses, which seems to point to the ancient Jewish feasts of the New Moon, when only at the testimony of two witnesses --watchers-- who had identified the New Moon (very hard to see) could the trumpet be sounded and the feast be declared... One can study the book of Revelation in light of the book of Genesis and everything in between and it is like a great onion, with layers and layers of meaning. We must pray for understanding.
We dont need to do any calculations, all we need to do is remain faithful to the Lord Jesus even the times of trouble as brother John has said. The Lord is always faithful to those who respect him. In the bible the Lord promised to save his servant Jeremiah when bad times came the Lord saved Jeremiah, those who put their faith in false gods like king Zedekia were destroyed. He is powerful he will never forsake us.
Amen brother.


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