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I am posting this to seek further understanding on this topic.

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Hey Carla, I have a bit of information from a book by Elizabeth Alves, ‘The Mighty Warrior’.

Fasting—our cutting edge—is most often done in secret and coupled with prayer. More than just abstaining from food, it is an act of self-denial for higher purposes. It is important to check your motives and heart attitudes with the Lord before you determine to pray with fasting. (Matthew 6:16-18)

Notice that Jesus did not say 'if' you fast, but 'when' you fast, so He expected Christians to use that discipline in their prayer lives. What is FASTING? It is the voluntarily and deliberately abstinence from food for the purpose of concentrated prayer. Jesus dealt with our motives for fasting and said we should never fast to impress others.

Being full of the Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean you walk in the power of the Spirit. One way into power is fasting and prayer (Luke 4:1,2,14), which makes you much more spiritually sensitive to the Word of God and hearing His voice. This sensitivity causes more power in your life to combat the forces of Satan.

When the bridegroom is taken away the disciples fast (Matthew 9:14,15); it is a spiritual discipline (2 Corinthians 6:5). Fasting is a means of gaining direction from the Holy Spirit to gain clarity of mind and spirit. (Acts 13:1-3).

There is probably more accomplished in fasting that we will know before we get to heaven. (Isaiah 58:6; Joel 1:14).

Why pray with FASTING?
- Jesus set an example by spending 40 days fasting in the desert (Matthew 4:2; Luke 4:2).
- As a freewill offering to the Father, it pleases Him (1 Samuel 7:5,6; Acts 14:23).
- It produces a spiritual & physical discipline (Luke 2:36,37; 1 Corinthians 9:26,27).
- It keeps you from God's judgements (Joel 2:12-14; Johah 3:5-8).
- It manifests concern for family, church, community and country
(2 Samuel 1:12; 12:16; Ezra 8:21; Esther 4:3,16; Daniel 9:3; Matthew 9:15,
Mark 2:18-20; Luke 5:33-35).

There are benefits from FASTING:
- Strengthens and implements prayer (Acts 10:30,31).
- Brings blessings of obedience (Matthew 6:6,16).
- Brings humility through repentance (Nehemiah 9:1-3).
- Gives revelation of God's way and will for your future (Daniel 9).
- Establishes authority and power in prayer and spiritual warfare (Matthew 4:1-11).

Fasting brings great victories. Example: King Jehoshophat called a national fast against invading armies, and the enemies killed each other (2 Chronicles 20:1-30).

Fasting gives you a proper mental attitude: You should not view fasting as punishment, even though your body may rebel at first.

FASTING SHOULD BE VIEWED AS A PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY TO GET CLOSER TO THE LORD, not distracted by the daily focus of eating. God responds to your sincerity when you willingly humble yourself.


Twenty-four hour fast. From sunset to sunset. Abstain from solids.

Partial fast - Abstain from pleasant foods. Partake only of clear soups, fruit juices, cereals or grains, OR, give up one meal a day for prayer. (See Daniel 1:8-16 and 10:2,3).

Three day fast – Total abstinence of food for three days (See example in Esther 4:16).

Extended fast – Has two methods; both require preparation. Before an extended fast, it is recommended you omit caffeine and rich foods from your diet.

Total fast – excludes all food but does include water. Fast should be broken slowly. Only diluted juices for a day or two. Next gradually proceed to fruits, vegetables, and grains, adding meats last.

Non-total fast – no food intake, but diluted fruit juices, water and hot herbal teas are taken.

IF YOU ARE ON MEDICATION, CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE COMMENCING AN EXTENDED FAST. You may need to consider a partial fast only. Fast when directed by the Holy Spirit and according to your disciplined prayer life (Isaiah 58:6; 1 Corinthians 9:26,27).

Use your fast as an opportunity to pray more. During this time your spirit is much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and you ofte

Use your fast as an opportunity to pray more. During this time your spirit is much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and you often will receive keener revelation from God’s Word. Fasting is not an endurance test nor a religious ritual. It is privilege and blessing to approach the Lord in humility and whole-hearted faith.

You should see a fast as a means by which your prayers may be more perfectly focused. Fast with a definite goal, thus breaking the bondage and opposition of Satan. Concentrate on Jesus in prayer when you fast, making time in your schedule for Him.

Hope this is the kind of info you are looking for. Love you.
Thank you Mom,

This is exactly what I was looking for. Should I do this I want to go in with eyes wide open. I am also interested in information as to how people have reacted--personal experience to fasting.

Love you!
Hi there, you're welcome.

As far as physical reaction...At the beginning of the year I fasted for three weeks, for our church congregation. I took only juice, water and soup, no solid food. The first few days was the most challenging, then it became easier.

For me, since our church was doing it, some people knew that I was fasting. Really, though, I fasted so I could spend more time with God, become closer to Him and hear His voice, so I would know what to pray.

At other times I have fasted for one day for a specific purpose or person's prayer. I usually don't tell people about it.

People who do not know Jesus would not understand, so I would not tell them, or try to explain what I was doing. It could stir up anger or something else. We know how sly the enemy is. Fasting is between you and God.

Is this the kind of thing you mean by, 'how people have reacted'?

Loving my KING 24:7
Thanks mom.
Mary Ann, solid input! God bless.
Hey thanks LT. I am thankful for God's Word, and all the authors who have studied and assembled this info for us. God bless you too.
Hello Maryann!~ I have benn looking for fasting for a while now; and you have answered my question. I have done a fast; not Intentionally ; unless it was by divine graces , I have done a complete fast of any type of food altogether for 5 1/2 days; and felt so good about it; I did not miss any food at all, and drank only water and some liquids during this time. My human mind said after this time that I should start to eat, and slowly did; but only out of believeing that I needed to eat for health reasons. I was satisfied and not lacking. Thank you for this insight, I was searching, and now have found what was lacking. = ) <+++> -------;--;{(@


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