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How can you teach your heart and your mind NOT to remember past hurts and pains?


Is there a specific technique that will help one erase memories of the past that bring down the spirit of healing and wellness? I have felt and received God's grace of healing and have felt that joy and peace He had promised to those who seek Him and delight in Him. I know I've been healed and have been delivered from the dark place I have stayed in for almost two years. My heart has been glad and grateful ever since that fateful day in October 2010 for the miraculous feeling of peace and unexplainable joy that was brought into my heart just as I've been seeking God's purpose in all the things happening in my life through His Word. I have been steadfast in my faith and I have proven God's faithfulness and love as my heart was given another chance to love and to feel loved. But the past couple of days have made me backslide from my focus on and vision of God's Will and Purpose for my life and for this love that I feel in my heart. Memories of past feelings and past events arise to shake my balance and make me question and doubt what God has already built in my life. Confusion clouds my thinking and understanding... it's a good thing my simple heart just chose to hang on to what has been promised by Him in His Word. I know the doubt is not due what is existing right now but stems from the past. I need to get over everything that emanates from it... insecurities, skepticism, distrust...etc.    I've been told it's the enemy that would want to destroy what God has built to shake the faith of those who believe. I just want memories of the past to stop popping in my head causing me to feel bad and cry all over again as these memories make me re-live  in my thoughts the events, the dialogues, the actions... which all have brought misery to my being. How can one make these things fade fast from memory?

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Ruel, what an enlightening insight! Thank you!

So the key is to choose our thoughts.  

     I think this should be a deliberate decision and a purposive act. In my mind, we should help ourselves be open to God's grace... HE heals and restores completely, for some it may be instantaneous, for some gradual. If we choose to focus on HIM, what has been offered to us by the CROSS... complete healing is bound to happen. Might be through an overnight miracle or just simply because of being distracted from less essential things, like our pain and suffering in this world, when we constantly focus on what is truly important... God.

Yes Macky, I agree that should be a deliberate decision. In any case, we are actually choosing our thoughts. Not to think about the power of the CROSS is also a decision, a very unwise and disempowering one...


Yes, ultimately life is all about God. There is wisdom in dying. Man ultimately has to come to terms with what his conscience tells him that life is all about God. Not fame, not wealth, not even our loved ones...but Him...


Just want to share this insight from John Owen about contemplating on the beauty of Jesus:


John Owen, the English Puritan answered the question how the discipline of meditation upon the beauty and glory of the Lord will restore His people to the paths of growth and productivity. 

One, as we focus our mind on Jesus, the Spirit of God changes us everyday, more and more, into the likeness of Christ himself.

Growth, flourishing, and fruitfulness will result from a constant reflection on Jesus’ glory. As we live in constant contemplation of the glory of Jesus, virtue will flow from him to repair all our decays and to renew a right spirit within us. This way of recovery is foolishness of course, in the eyes of the world. It is like washing in Jordan seven times to cure our leprosy. But the life of faith is a mystery known only to them that live in it. 

Two, meditation on the glory of Christ gives us delight and satisfaction in life.

Yes, in this life we cannot have a perfect vision of Christ. But as we draw nearer to that vision, the better, the more spiritual is the state of our mind and soul. Remember that most of our barrenness arise from admission of unworthy thoughts into our mind and weaken the operation of grace in our lives. But when the mind is filled with the thoughts about Jesus, such thoughts are filled with power and strength to cast out all causes of spiritual weaknesses in our lives.


But the life of faith is a mystery known only to them that live in it.


But when the mind is filled with the thoughts about Jesus, such thoughts are filled with power and strength to cast out all causes of spiritual weaknesses in our lives.


Ruel, You are gifted in your ability to share on how to grow in our faith. Thank you for your words and great insights on how to put ourselves in a disposition so God's grace of drawing us near HIM may be accepted by being.

 It's astonishing how God works!  I have been crying and trembeling now for 2 hours. I did not have any idea why I should go to the computer whileI can't even catch my breath right now. I've been gasping for air now this long  since I started crying. I turned to this group which I'd never seen before. I thru my son oot of the house 3 days ago for drug and alcohol issues. He's 23 and every day sneaks alcohol in the house and stole my lorazapam that I take for seizures. He has been bringing his girlfriend in the house to sleep with her every night. I finally confronted him when he was caught lying to me and tried to hide her in his room. I told her to leave immediately and my son too. I had  the police come to get a restraining order against her. He's an alcoholic and bi-polar too and he can't hold down a job. My pain is so heavy and deep and I have so much anger against him. I feel like  part of me died and so does my husband. My whole body is tired and weary. Then I came here and saw this group  and saw another post after this one about anger towards those you love. I feel like God is setting me as I go thru this pain. I don't know if I'll ever stop crying, but tears heal. Please pray for me  that I'll stop the crying the crying soon.


God knows everything that you're going through. During the time I felt completely helpless and so filled with negativities and frustrations, the only thing that brought comfort to me was reading God's Words.  And I eventually started to heal as I continue to do so... and now I'm much much stronger and the happiness that being drawn to the Lord brings has filled my soul. I pray that you may experience a similar way of deliverance from your pain. God restores...that is written, and HE knows what you need.


Psalms 139: 7-10

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
   Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
   if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
   if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
   your right hand will hold me fast.

We are to forgive and go on. Jesus had a whole world of people past, present, and future, knowing there would be times they would and will hurt Him. They even hurt those are created in His image. We need to remember that just as we have been hurt we also hurt others.


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