My first question is can I be forgiven...
my life has not been easy, though compared to the horror stories so many are living at this very moment, my life has not been by far too tough...
but any things in this life of mine have helped to lead me astray from the Lord and his path..
I developed a problem a few years ago, becoming dependent of a certain narcotic..
it has since shattered me emotionally,making my life miserable at times, I am often desperate and lost...exhausted and terrified...
I've tried so many times to turn over that new leaf we all speak of...and each time I've flipped this leaf over, I was leaning on the support of God, he helped me through it. The first time I was clean for more than a week, I was completly devoted to God, I wold read from the bible every day, pray every chance I had, attend church whenever possible, confine myself to positive people etc. For months I was like this, fullfilled and happy. But then it happened, I caved to my devilish desires and have been struggling ever since. I turn to God , I get clean for a week, sometimes two, and then I fall from the light into the dark.
My question is, does God grow tired of this? Will the day come where he can't help me anymore, I've hurt him so many times , will he continue to open his arms when I am ready to quit this lifestyle yet again? Or does he only forgive us for the same sin a limited amount of times? Have I been running in circles for so long that God wants me to clean myself on my own and then come to him?
The pain from withdrawling from this drug is horrific, but that time long ago when I turned myself completly over to God, I suffered nothing, not one bit of pain did I feel..nothing. Since then though, everytime I try to quit and open up my bible yet again, I still go through the pain of withdrawl. This is what discourages me, for Ifelt Gods arms around me that first time, and haven't felt them since, I feel he's given up on me. Is this true? What do I do, could someone please tell me how to fight this?
I hope noone thinks poorly of me because of my addiction, I am not a dirty, scruffled junkie....I am only lost is all. I am still a great, caring person, I love so many, I work, I go to school and I battle my demons also. But I promise I am good person, I have a big heart, I love everyone and I hope to be loved in return because of this, and not discarded because of my problem...
thank you