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So this happened on Friday . . .
We had exchanged a few words at the gym before, enough that I knew his name. On this morning, Michael had a tee shirt with large letters: "I'm voting for Kamala," and a picture of her face.
I decided to do the thing - you know, the thing everyone says you should not do: talk about politics or religion, maybe especially in an election year...
'Hey, Michael, why are you voting for Kamala?' I asked.
'Because she tells the truth,' was his simple reply. 'Not like the other side,' he quickly added.
'Michael, what is your definition of truth?'
'Well, that's easy - truth is what I believe to be true,' he answered.
'Wait, Michael--you are not saying you can have your truth and I can have my truth, are you--you are not saying that truth is relative... Like you are not saying there is no absolute truth, are you?'!! I leaned in.
He smiled and said, 'well yes, I am. Your truth is what makes sense for you.'
Hold the phone. Is Michael right? Truth is whatever makes sense for me?
First, for him to claim there is no absolute truth is self defeating right out of the gate because he was making a truth claim. Friends, there is no your truth, my truth . . . there is only the TRUTH.
Conversation is valuable when there is a 'give and take' of opinions and information; at least one learns something about their conversant. And in this case, yes, Michael then asked me, 'What is your definition of truth?'
'I believe truth is objective and it conforms to reality. And that truth is true for all people anywhere and everywhere, no matter their gender, economic profile or race.' Our conversation went on from there, and I will share that in future Morning Briefings.
Truth is not dependent on how life is going or what I feel about it. Truth does not change based on my emotions. Jesus said two simple things about truth, that if true, have implications for this life and forever.
-->>"you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"1
Unfortunately, what we are seeing in our culture is chaos and confusion--especially in our young people, because of the shifting sand on which they are standing. They are told 'you do you', 'do what makes you happy', 'the truth is within you-follow your heart.' Not only are the statements false, but they cause a ton of pressure and confusion. The confusion is leading to anxiety, depression, addiction and despair--mental health disorders that are unprecedented.
Whereas Jesus makes an absolute truth claim:
-->> “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."2
Oh, wait -- that first line of Jesus - the part about truth setting us free? It is incomplete. The rest of the sentence captured by the beloved disciple: “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”3 Did you catch what Jesus said? If we abide in his Word, we are truly those who are following him and then will know the truth--and his truth will free us!
And as for just following our hearts? O, how our hearts can trick and sometimes confuse us. I think the writer of this proverb had it straight: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."4
C.S. Lewis wrote so poignantly, “if you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort, you will not get either comfort or truth, only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”5
Here is some truth Paul penned to the Romans that I have shared before. Someone needs this prayer, this reminder right now:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Jesus,
so that you may overflow with hope
through the power of the Holy Spirit.6
The truth? As you and I trust in Jesus Christ, moment by moment, the Holy Spirit will fill us with hope, joy and peace.
Truth is paramount.
1 - John 8.32
2 - John 14.6
3 - John 8.31-32
4 - Proverbs 4.23
5 - Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
6 - Romans 15.13
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