<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <title>Comments - - All About GOD</title> <link rel="self" href="http://www.allaboutgod.net/profiles/comment/feed?attachedTo=1383940%3ABlogPost%3A1700560&xn_auth=no"/> <updated>2024-12-18T11:42:19Z</updated> <id>http://www.allaboutgod.net/profiles/comment/feed?attachedTo=1383940%3ABlogPost%3A1700560&xn_auth=no</id> <entry> <title>Hi Jessica, God bless you! Sa…</title> <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.allaboutgod.net/xn/detail/1383940:Comment:1702402"/> <id>tag:www.allaboutgod.net,2016-06-17:1383940:Comment:1702402</id> <updated>2016-06-17T12:49:36.794Z</updated> <author> <name>Mary O</name> <uri>http://www.allaboutgod.net/profile/MaryEllenOsborn</uri> </author> <summary type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica, God bless you!</p> <p>Saying hello and wondering how you're doing. It's my hope that all is well. :-) </p> <p>Love,</p> <p>Mary</p> </summary> <content type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica, God bless you!</p> <p>Saying hello and wondering how you're doing. It's my hope that all is well. :-) </p> <p>Love,</p> <p>Mary</p> </content> </entry> <entry> <title>I'm back for a few minutes. I…</title> <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.allaboutgod.net/xn/detail/1383940:Comment:1701223"/> <id>tag:www.allaboutgod.net,2016-06-13:1383940:Comment:1701223</id> <updated>2016-06-13T16:47:19.176Z</updated> <author> <name>Mary O</name> <uri>http://www.allaboutgod.net/profile/MaryEllenOsborn</uri> </author> <summary type="html"> <p>I'm back for a few minutes.</p> <p>I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)</p> <p>I thought the Young's Literal Translation aided my understanding.</p> <p>For all things I have strength, in Christ's strengthening me. (Philippians 4:13 YLT)</p> <p>Our Lord strengthens us so that we have strength for all things. Whether we need to overcome the fear we are feeling or maybe we're feeling a temptation of some kind. We aren't left alone to fend for ourselves.…</p> </summary> <content type="html"> <p>I'm back for a few minutes.</p> <p>I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)</p> <p>I thought the Young's Literal Translation aided my understanding.</p> <p>For all things I have strength, in Christ's strengthening me. (Philippians 4:13 YLT)</p> <p>Our Lord strengthens us so that we have strength for all things. Whether we need to overcome the fear we are feeling or maybe we're feeling a temptation of some kind. We aren't left alone to fend for ourselves. He strengthens us so that we have strength for all things. How strong is He? Philippians 4:13 is a great verse to keep in your heart.</p> <p>Love,</p> <p>Mary</p> </content> </entry> <entry> <title>Hi Jessica, God bless! There…</title> <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.allaboutgod.net/xn/detail/1383940:Comment:1701213"/> <id>tag:www.allaboutgod.net,2016-06-13:1383940:Comment:1701213</id> <updated>2016-06-13T13:05:34.787Z</updated> <author> <name>Mary O</name> <uri>http://www.allaboutgod.net/profile/MaryEllenOsborn</uri> </author> <summary type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica, God bless!</p> <p>There are multiple reasons why this could be happening. Sometimes old wiring can emit these electro magnetic waves. It can cause feelings of paranoia. Just saying something to consider. I don't know where you live, but let's look at several options. Another option is you may be a new Christian and have not had the opportunity to purge some of the things around you. See, I had these creepy pictures on my walls, they were bad. I used this ruler and pried them off…</p> </summary> <content type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica, God bless!</p> <p>There are multiple reasons why this could be happening. Sometimes old wiring can emit these electro magnetic waves. It can cause feelings of paranoia. Just saying something to consider. I don't know where you live, but let's look at several options. Another option is you may be a new Christian and have not had the opportunity to purge some of the things around you. See, I had these creepy pictures on my walls, they were bad. I used this ruler and pried them off my wall. Before I came to the Lord, I was a mess. You can arm yourself with the Word of God. "I and my father are one." It's a short verse, however, even those few words carry a lot of power. I know. It means you are one in purpose and have the same goals as the Lord. Philippians 4:13 is a great verse. Look them up and work on committing verses to heart. That is the best place to carry the Word of God, deep inside in your heart. You can focus on Him. If you should feel fear, switch focus. When you have God's Word inside of you, then you have something else to turn to. Think Bible. It works. All of these are ideas.</p> <p>Love,</p> <p>Mary</p> </content> </entry> <entry> <title>Hi Jessica, Welcome to AAG.…</title> <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.allaboutgod.net/xn/detail/1383940:Comment:1700462"/> <id>tag:www.allaboutgod.net,2016-06-10:1383940:Comment:1700462</id> <updated>2016-06-10T16:29:11.490Z</updated> <author> <name>Carla</name> <uri>http://www.allaboutgod.net/profile/CarlaButler777</uri> </author> <summary type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica,</p> <p></p> <p>Welcome to AAG.</p> <p>Do you feel safe where you live? </p> <p>Is there any physical or emotional reason why you wouldn't feel safe?</p> <p></p> <p>Blessings, Carla</p> </summary> <content type="html"> <p>Hi Jessica,</p> <p></p> <p>Welcome to AAG.</p> <p>Do you feel safe where you live? </p> <p>Is there any physical or emotional reason why you wouldn't feel safe?</p> <p></p> <p>Blessings, Carla</p> </content> </entry> </feed>