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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Heavens Opened (Part 8)

By Anna Rountree


A Garden for Lovers:

The path circled the garden, with plantings and beds near the wall as well as on the opposite side of the path in the center of the garden. Camphire (henna) was blooming there, and the star-of-Bethlehem, blue flax, and the scarlet lily were blooming in beds near it.

“Who tends this garden?” I asked. “You do,” He answered.

“I tend this garden?” I exclaimed with astonishment.

“Yes,” He replied.

I looked over the garden. I felt that I had been here before, but the feeling was an elusive impression, rather like trying to piece together a dream when you only remember snatches of it. I could not bring it into clear focus.

“Would You tell me of this garden, Lord?” I asked finally.

“Each such garden is different. Each is unique, and I delight in each.” He paused before speaking again. “Do you enjoy being here?” He asked.

“Yes, it’s...” I could not find the words.

“Yes.’ He agreed.

We came to a spring that flowed from a rock in the garden. Spanning the water was an arch of a bridge that seemed only wide enough for two people. As I thought about it, the bench near the fountain also seemed only wide enough to seat two. Perhaps this was a garden for lovers. As we crossed the bridge, I could smell the scented calamus that grew on the banks by the water.

His Burden:

“Do You become tired?” I asked.

“There is a burden in My heart for mankind,” He replied. “I will bear this burden until all is completed, but this is not like the body fatiguing and needing rest. No, I do not tire as those who are housed in the flesh tire.”

“Do You get lonely?” I asked.

“I long for completion, but that is not loneliness.’ Loneliness comes from unfulfilled desires, passions that cause one to seek to live in the future through a desire for fulfillment. I live in the present. I am concerned with that which is now. All things are complete here. . . although incomplete moment by moment. I long for the completion of this gift to My Father, that He may be glorified as well as pleased.’ He loves having His children around Him. What satisfaction is greater: a crown upon the head, a smile in the heart, a joy that is beyond compare”

We passed beds of saffron and nard. I remembered that on earth these were of great worth.

He continued, “The eyes of those in Satan’s kingdom are blind to My Father, as well as to Me, but they are open to and aware of their subsistence coming from the evil one. He too has gifts, and he displays them. The harlot stands in the doorway and beckons the naive: ‘Come in; my bed is scented with all manner of spices and balms. Your sleep will be sweet.’

“But it will not be sweet. A thousand torments embrace the one on that bed; a thousand heartaches that can never be satisfied lie with the naive on that bed. True love springs forth from God, a never-ceasing fountain fed by springs of living water within the Godhead.’ I am that Spring. I am that Fountain. I AM.”

By now we had circled half of the garden and were back at the center fountain. We sat on the bench.

“Lord,” I said, “show me something precious in Your sight.” He opened His hand, and in it was a tear. “In this tear is a world, a universe, an infinity of love. In this tear is the DNA, as it were, of a loved one’s spiritual genes. In this tear are salt and light. I can look into this tear and see the face of God, for it is clear. I can look through it to Him who births the universe. This tear is very precious to Me.”

We both looked at the tear, and then He closed His hand and continued, “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”

I closed my eyes, and He placed into my hand something smooth.

“Now open your eyes.”

A New Name:

I opened my eyes and my right hand to look at a smooth, white stone with the name Anna engraved upon it.

“Your new name,” He said.’ “I am adding the breath of life to your name. Here you will be called Anna.”

“Anna’ I said to myself.

“Now, Anna, My sister and My love, our names have been joined in covenant.”

“Thank You,” I said, holding the stone to my heart.

“I have been waiting for you, Anna. The loneliness you experienced is nothing compared to the heartache I experienced as I waited for you, seeing you run after all manner of idols to seek satisfaction.” He looked out into the garden. “How I called to you.” There was pain in His voice. “Year after year you dallied, and I grieved, waiting for you to realize that no one can, nor ever will, bring you life itself but Me alone.”

His words struck me to the heart. “My Lord and my God’ I said quietly, “no one has ever loved me as You have...” I was choked with emotion. Slowly I continued, “Nor ever desired my company as... ,“ but I could not finish.

“None of flesh and blood can, Anna, for you belong to Me.”

He looked me in the eye, and His eyes pierced through me. “I created you for Myself, and only I can satisfy you truly and fully.”

A Gift to God:

I did not know what to say. I searched, trying to think of some reply. Finally I asked, “If I am created for You, Lord, what can I do for You? How…”  I groped for the words to convey that I wanted to give a gift to Him. “How do I give something to You?”

He searched my face for a moment and then smiled. “Sing for Me, Anna; that would comfort Me.” He leaned back against the large, apricot tree and closed His eyes.

I did not know what to sing. I swallowed hard. Then I looked out over the garden and prayed within myself. Soon, without knowing what I would say, I began to sing:

Where golden light becomes the red,
And red becomes the white,
Burning with the zeal of love,
A land devoid of night,
Powering the universe
From star to distant star;
Consume the dross, O Ancient One,
Let no aberrance mar
All that belongs to You alone,
Created by Your word;
All that is seen and understood,
All hidden and unheard.
Consume the sin, O Ancient One,
Consign it to the night;
For us there’s oneness with our God,
The Everlasting Light.
No shadow dare exalt itself,
No darkness dare display,
Where God Eternal rules and reigns
The land of endless day.
Praise Him, all you heavenly host,
Praise Him, Sons of men.
Turn your faces toward the Son,
God’s “Yea” and His “Amen.”

I had never heard that song before. At its completion I sat amazed. My right hand came up to cover my mouth.                                                                                                               

That Which Is Coming:

There was a long pause after the song ended. Finally He spoke, “Before the cock crows, Anna, three stages of betrayal will have been accomplished against Me in the world. Betrayal is multiplying, and many will be seduced by their own fear and need for survival. They will betray to save themselves.”

“Lord, unless You give us the grace, we will all betray You. Who is strong enough to think he can stand? You must strengthen us. Unless You rise up to pass these tests. . . ,“ I was momentarily speechless at the thought, “...who would not, for the slightest reason, betray You? Help us! Rise up within us, Lord. Do not let us sin against You.”

He opened His eyes and turned His head to look at me. “I have heard this, Anna.” He continued to look at me silently, as if meditating upon my features. Then He sat up straight and said, “Walk with Me to the gate.” He rose from the bench and helped me to stand also. We walked silently to the golden filigree gate. The two doors of the gate opened as we approached. We walked out, and He closed the gates, looking into the quiet garden within the wall.

“It is very beautiful here,” I said, also looking back at the garden.

The Golden Key:

Jesus turned and handed me a golden key to the gate’s lock. “Here is the key’ He said. “Go in whenever you like.” The key was large and antique in design. It hung on a red cord. “Here,” He continued, and He dropped the cord with the key on it over my head.

“Will You meet me here?” I asked.

“Unlock the gate, and I will meet you here,” He smiled.

I looked again at the garden.

“Whenever you wish,” He repeated, “meet Me here.” And then He disappeared.

I looked down at the white stone in my hand and the golden key resting on the area of my heart.

It was then that I heard the sound of singing, faintly at first. It was the sort of singing you might hear if your mother was making bread in the kitchen on a cold winter’s day. I turned toward the sound and saw a bright light. In the center of this light sat a group of spirits.

The path lay right near them. I stepped onto the path to approach them.

(To be continued)

* I would like you to pray this prayer right away, if you want Jesus to come into your heart:


Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Right now I choose to turn away from sin, and I ask you to cleanse me, by Your blood, of all unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross to take away all my sins.


I also believe that He rose again from the dead so that I may be justified and made righteous through faith in Him (Romans 6:23). I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Lord of my life (Acts 2:21). Dear Lord, I choose to follow You, and I ask that you fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:3).


I hereby renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God (Romans 10:9-10). I am free from sin and full of the righteousness of God, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don't go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.

Four steps will help you to grow in faith and grace:
1. Read the Bible (I Peter 2:2)
2. Pray (Romans 12:12)
3. Attend Church (Hebrews 10: 25)
4. Share Christ with others (II Corinthians 5:18-20)



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