Been away for a while for good reasons. I haven't stopped writing.
Nature teaches us a lot about the ways and acts of God as it pertains to His dealings with man and one of such is what I will share briefly with us today.
You see, all women have mammary glands; an organ present in the breasts that produces milk to feed babies and of course they are not actively at work every day of a woman's life. In essence, Breast milk is not produced everyday by every woman. It is a supply necessitated by an event and it's for a purpose i.e. Pregnancy and Childbirth respectively. The glands are there but are not functional until the need for it is triggered and the flow is seasonal and time bound too. Once the need for it is ended, the flow stops!
Every endowment of God in every life is for a purpose and there are graces for different seasons. Circumstances sometimes trigger the use of a gift we never knew existed in us. You find out also that sometimes, you are able to operate in a capacity so well at some phase of your life and as time goes on, you realize you are able to do some other things entirely ; whilst you are not able to operate as much in what you used to do in the past. I'll give you an example: I used to be a chorister / choir leader many years back and I could sing so well as much as God endowed me. As the years went by, I have diversified into other areas of ministry and I am not as active in the music ministry as much as I used to do in time past: not because I am unable to sing again, but because I operate so well in other areas of calling in the present.
No one is going to be here forever, hence the need to identify our purpose per time: our unique endowments, the lessons of our seasons, our God-given destiny-helpers for every season and maximize them in the most optimal manner; as much as we can.
David ; a very versatile character in the bible, was once a shepherd boy, he could play the instruments so well( which took him to the palace) but went on to become the anointed king of Israel. Yes he continued to write psalms, play instruments and even "build" instruments, it was impossible that he went back to the field to shepherd the sheep. He had entered into another level of his life where he now shepherded the people of Israel. The lessons of shepherding actual sheep would be different from leading people and the techniques of killing the bear and lion with bare hands would definitely be different from going to wars and battles against the philistines and other enemies of the nation of Israel.
In life, our levels change, capacities change, abilities are improved on, but the most important thing is that wherever we are; at any stage of our lives, we must not stop flowing into others. Remember the story of the widow in 2nd kings 4 ; whose oil didn't stop flowing until she stopped pouring? So is it in the use of our giftings. Just as the breast milk dries up when it's not being given to a baby or expressed, so it is with our abilities when we stop using them actively. May we not fizzle out......
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