You are Your Thoughts. Ephesians 6.10; Romans 12.2
Good Day.
Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts.1 Your thinking is the lid to your potential … why? Because ‘as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.’2 So let me ask you--how’s your thinking?
Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “We are taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ,”3 which must mean we can take hold of our thoughts, rather than our thoughts taking hold of us … rather than our thinking having a stranglehold on us. ‘So God, please open our minds to understand the truth of your Word that we might be changed by it. Amen’
Hmmm . . . if it is true that we become what we think about, then our thoughts are very critical to our well being, which is why we should value good thinking. Indeed, friends, place a premium on good thinking! Desire to ‘be transformed by the renewing of your mind’.4 That means ‘be ready to be radically changed, for the better, by refreshed thinking patterns.’ Choose to think about that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable….5
Are you ready? Take every thought captive. It would not be there if it were not possible, but it requires personal action. We must take action in choosing our thoughts. Right thinking comes as a result of good intention. Our words were first thoughts, as were our actions. Do not be a victim of your thinking; get a hold of it. Are you with me?
Avoid earworms—you know, tunes that get stuck in your head, that you just keep mindlessly singing over and over . . . Research was done on the best way to rid the brain of such annoying jingles; there really was no psychological cure or remedy. The only way to ensure that you are not subject to such hindrances is to not expose yourself to them in the first place. ‘The point? Because it takes intentional action to control your thinking, you must be careful what you let get into your stream of thinking. Be wise about your consumption. Oh, Friends, be wise consumers of that which you allow to enter your mind; you are the gatekeeper.
‘Okay, okay, but I am plagued by my runaway thoughts! Is there anything I can do about the things that are constantly coursing through my brain?’ Yes. Honestly, I have studied this matter for years, I believe the best way is to learn to change your thoughts by replacing them. David said, ‘I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.’6 David chose to be mindful of God’s words and thoughts so as not to sin. God’s words can also be used to replace our fallen thinking. To purpose not to think certain thoughts is next to impossible, but to replace the errant thoughts with virtuous thoughts is do-able. Let’s practice--
What negative thoughts run over and over in your mind? Are you worried about the future? Change your worries about tomorrow by living in today. We live in uncertain times, don’t we? Financial pressures and worries are immense, and they produce an unparalleled anxiety, and cause disquiet within. Jesus looked at those he loved and said, ‘Do not be anxious for tomorrow for tomorrow has cares enough of its own.’7 ‘Sure Lord, how do I stop being anxious?’ Trust me, he says. ‘Trust me with all your heart, and do not trust your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge me, and I will direct your paths.’8 Let go, trust God.
If God's eye is on the little sparrow, rest assured he is watching out for you. Rest in that . . . rest in him. And then live today. This is the day the Lord has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad in it!9 Choosing to rejoice means we are choosing joy, and joy can only be felt and experienced in the moment. We know and we rest in the fact that the joy of the Lord is our strength.10
Do you know that feeling when your heart is filled with joy? Why, it seems your heart is soaring, that it has wings to fly! In order to give yourself to it, you must deal with patterns of thinking that rob you of God’s refreshed thinking for you—that keep you from experiencing joy.
First, seek God. And the rest will come.11 Ask him to give you pure, new thoughts; he will. Go ahead … think on these things. Your thinking is powerful … you can be determined to become a wise thinker; why not start today? After all, you can be strong in the Lord and his power!12
1) Benjamin Disraeli, English Prime Minister
2) Proverbs 23.7
3) 2 Corinthians 10.5
4) Romans 12.2.
5) Philippians 4.8
6) Psalm 119.11
7) Matthew 6.34
8) Proverbs 3.5-6, personalized
9) Psalm 118.24
10) Nehemiah 8.10
11) Matthew 6.33
12) Ephesians 6.10
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