Well, I asked and God answered. I asked for a place to share all that he has given me. And this seems like the perfect place to me. This first post is a vision I had years ago. I hope that it blesses someone. Its been so long since Ive written most of these I have to go find them again. I am so excited to be sharing them with the people of God. I am not trying to promote myself or anything. I just wanna share. So Im not trying to offend anyone.
I promised that today I would start sharing the prophetic visions and dreams that God has given me over the years. Some of them are beautiful and others are downright scary. But I dont believe God gave them to me to keep to myself. So here goes. This first is a vision I had one morning on my way to the grocery store. I decided to write it up and save it for the right time.
A patch of heaven
How do you paint a picture without brushes. The image is in your mind and the canvas is ready. All the colors you will need are readily available. But you lack the tools with which to make your vision come alive. Or better yet, how do you fully explain something to someone without the use of your mouth. THe other person is lost without the addage of descriptive terms, and no matter how much you wave your hands and move your body to try to explain, the full meaning of your message is lost. Yet, this is exactly what God wants me to do. Explain his heavenly beauty without proper tools. Yes, I have a pen, paper and the moment. But the words, the perfect words are impish compared to the true beauty of the finished work. I am getting ahead of myself, so let me try to use the tools I have to explain what it is I'm talking about.
While watching T.V. one night I saw a commercial for the nbewest addition to the Disney movie library. In the commercial I saw a phrase that said "patch of heaven." Shown very quickly and then gone. However, it was enough to make me think. How woulda patch of heaven really look. THen, before I could have another thought, I had asked God in my heart to show me what a "patch of heaven" would look like. Yes, I tried to visualize it in my head. I remembered the enchanting description of heaven given in the bible. Then, I tried to use those images to visualize this holy place. You can imagine how futile my attempt was. Our minds cannot fathom such a perfect place. So, I prayed again and gave the issue to God. You know just like he told us to do. Little did I know that God intended to answer that prayer much quicker than I could imagine. After a late night of T.V., phone conversations, reading and prayer I finally fell asleep. Almost forgetting the prayer I had sent up to God earlier that evening. It was early the next morning, a little after 6am. Usually when I wake up this early on a Saturday morning I just go right back to sleep, figuring I wake up early because that's the time I get up everyday of the week because my body is used to getting up at that time and naturally wakes up by itself. But this time was different. I was not groggy and I sat up in bed as if I had somewhere in particular to go. By now, I realized that it was God who woke me up this early. So, He must have something to say or show me. So, after a quick prayer I threw on some clothes and rushed out the door, having no idea what God had in store for me. When I got in the car I decided that I would go to the grocery store to pick up some things I needed. I figured if God woke me up, He knew where he wanted me to go and would redirect me accordingly. To my surprise, I never made it out of the parking lot. It is my daily morning routine to greet God personally before I leave my parking lot in the morning by saying hello to his sunrise. I do this because I am apreciative of the the new day that God has given me. And as each sunrise is as different as each day is I view a sunrise as a personal greeting from God also. So, as usual I turned my head to the left to say hello before heading out. But when I looked, I saw something entirely different. IN the sunrise was something else. I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I wasnt seeing things. But there it was. Situated inside the sunrise was a "patch of heaven." So majestic was the sight that my first reaction after disbelief was pure awe. I couldnt believe my own eyes yet here it was. I saw a mountain ridge situated on the side of a beautiful lake which led to a waterfall that cascaded downward to places unknown. God even went so far as to show me the steam that was coming up from the bottom of the waterfall,. I saw how the light touched the snall patches of rocks inside this lake and the water that moved around the rocks. But that wasnt the most amazing thing about the lake. Though I looked and looked, I could not find its beginning. It was just there flowing from nowhere. Perfect in itself. In the middle of the lake was a small island that contained trees. God showed me the shade the trees provided on that small island and the shadows it casted upon the lake. Yet these images were nothing compared to the other side of the lake. On the right side of the lake was a small beach that ran along its edge. This beach separated a lake and waterfall from an entire ocean! The ocean was wide and vast. Its waves were calm. Nothing moved in this place except the water. Commanded to move according to God's will alone,. I saw each wve as it came ashore crashing against the sand. I'm not finished yet. On the other side of the beach was a vast wide landscape. It was flat and not even one stone altered its line. And most amazing of all: There was a sunrise coming up on the horizon of that vast ocean. Yes! A sunrise within a sunrise. Only God! Shining and giving a luminous glow to everything. As I mentioned before, my descriptive abilities pale in comparison to the true beauty of what I saw. But this is a vision that God allowed me to share with the world. You would htink I'm through . You would htink that through the tears that I was now shedding I could give God a lifetime of praise. But there was one last visioin He needed me to see. On the beach I saw a figure, turned away from me. I could only see his back. But he was standing there facing the lake and the ocean with arms outstretched, as if in prayer. When I realized just who I was looking at, I yelled His name out of the car window as if He could hear me. "Jesus, Jesus!" I just repeated over and over. As if I could run to Him and hold Him and kiss His feet and worship Him in His holy place. But His name was the only word I could utter through my tears. And I began to cry his name in my mind over and over. Then as if he sensed my presence He turned His head to the left. At this, I nearly leaped from the car to run to Him, forgetting that what was in front of me was real, but not tangible. So, I did what any Christian who loves Jesus would do. Prayed and cried harder. I was terrified to close my eyes for fear He nay be gone when I opened them. Jesus knew was there, because I could sense a smile as I cried and rached out to Him through a tear soaked face as I sat in my parking lot in a still running car. The last image God gave me in that sunrise was the most wonderful sight. It was an example of the power and harmony of God, the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. When Jesus looked to the left the lake ran to the left. I would not have believed it had I not seen it. The actual direction of the lake moved to the left and began cascading in a different direction. By now, I was wild with praise in my car and early risers were driving by and staring, trying to look and see what my eyes were transfixed on. But then God, as if sensing my loss of sanity at seeing only a "patch of heaven" of his dwelling plae, he began to slowly take it away. Changing piece by piece so that my spiritual wyews and my human eyes could re-focus and set themselves back on earth. And when He did this, He told me to harbor it in my heart forever and that the vision was for my eyes alone. At this, I began to cry and moan, because, how can I see something this beautiful and not tell anyone about it. So I begged and begged to be able to share what was shown to me. Altogether not understanding how utterly impossible that would be. I hope that you could see what I saw, if only a fraction of that beauty is in your mind's eyes, then you should have a lifetime of praise. Because even though that "patch of heaven" was too much for my eyes and body to handle, I sensed that it also belonged to me. That I was connected to it and would be forever. Like findinga treasure chest. You dont deserve what you found, but it is in reality yours because you found it. That's what salvation is. Its the understanding that although you dont deserve Heaven, ultimately it belongs to you because it ws you that found it through the guidance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour,
I hope this vision adds a blessing to someone's life. In Jesus name.
These are the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The end of time was here. The Lord had come to claim his people, the chosen ones to go with him. I was told to give an accurate account of what I saw.
I looked and saw a sky. The water was only inches away from the sky. And in the sky were boats. The boats had many people in them, too many to count. The people on the boats were fleeing but they had nowhere to go. There was fire in the sky and some people were falling out of the boats. They were dying and terrified and frantic for peace, but it would not come. They were being attacked and slaughtered. I looked again and saw the ocean, one ocean and one beach. In the water, the water was black and red. People were running and being slaughtered. They were being chased by creatures. Creatures that had the mouth of lions, the bodies of buffaloes, and they swam like fish. There were beings on the creatures’ backs that carried swords and spears, and they were slaughtering the people of the world. The people were running and had nowhere to go. The beings chased them and had no mercy. I looked again and saw sand that did not end, stretching from one end of the world to the other. There were people on the sand trapped in human celebration. There were bands playing slaughtering games. But not of their own will but like slaves. Forced to kill one another with words and items from the world. They were forced to appear happy. But they too were picked off to die, one after the other. I looked to see what or who was commanding them. I saw a man who was not a man. Laughing at all the chaos and triumphing over the people of the world. He commanded an army to kill all those who would not do any of his commands. The people were scared to death of him. He was hideous in beast form, like a big, dark shadow standing behind the man. But no one could see except a few. I looked and saw no buildings, no roads, no schools, only destruction. The air tasted like fire, the world was in battle and being slaughtered mercilessly. I looked again and saw only one ship. On it I saw throughout the air, water, and sand. I saw God’s people fighting temptation til the very end. The evil creatures and beings were so blatant as to mock God now. Trying to lure people to turn with the thing they loved that were in the world. The ship was invaded and I saw the creatures come in to destroy all that were on the ship. The people ran but I saw one body fall to the ground. Mine. I looked to the sky and asked the Lord to save his people, crying, begging for merciful deliverance. Then, I saw thin pieces of shaped air falling from the sky. As I was lying on the ground, they began to fall on my skin and as they touched my skin, they disappeared. I knew what they were and even as I was lying there I was still praising the Lord and asking for forgiveness of my sins. As I looked up at the sky through my tears a creature came upon my right side of my head to kill me. I knew I was about to die. I was given one last chance to obey the beast and I refused, I covered my head to die. But a blue sword came and stopped the creature from killing me in mid-air. The evil creature disappeared and there was another being at the left side of my head. A woman, clothed in only a blue shawl about her shoulders. She took my hand and said all was well. When I saw that she was a heavenly creature I fell on the ground face down, crying and weeping in her arms. She pulled me back onto my knees. I was then taken out of my body, my new form about me. I could not see this new form, only felt the glorious feeling and the weight of sin gone from my life. She led me up and I stood at a big gate door. She said I could go in and I saw a light open the door. Then the light spoke to me, and said “Well done”. I began to cry again and I collapsed on the surface with my head and my hands down. The voice in the light spoke again and said to come inside. As
here is one from long ago...
3:36am Im not sure of the year or the date. But this is a vision from the Lord,.
I woke up hot. Very hot. I could feel heat everywhere. Just like in my dream.
I saw flashes of things to come. It was an urgent time. Everyone was so scared, yet they were so lost. I remember being in a parking lot. A large parking lot. People were all around me. I was running around telling people to repent. Because I knew what was coming and I knew that it would be too late when it happened. The air was humid. There was destruction everywhere. Toppled buildings. A wasteland. I could see the world from where i stood. Everything was destroyed. And people still wouldnt repent or believe in Jesus. THe sky was a grayish pink color and it was so quiet. Everyone was looking up. I was so scared for them, but I was in spirit and they couldnt hear me. I saw dry oceans and hungry children. I saw mean soldiers standing over people. So many people. I wanted to tell them to run, but it was useless. They would be found and sought out. There was nowhere for them to hide. I could see my family, and some of my friends. My love was beside me. Beseeching to return and that it was futile. I told him I had to try. Then it happened. I saw a white horse descend from inside an open cloud. I couldnt see the rider. I knew it was my Lord. Only then did people fall to their knees. Some prayed. Some repented. Others. Many others fled down a steep hill. The horse's rider sent the soldiers after them. Some were claimed. The rest were enslaved. The rider rode across the world fixing it. Repairing it. Making it beautiful. There was so much crying. The people who ran down the hill ran to another wasteland. The wasteland was knee deep (all of it), knee deep in water. A sea of dark brown burning water and it was everywhere. They ran to hell. They were enslaved to work forever. I could see both worlds then and there was paradise on top and sheer hell on the bottom. Even while I write this I cry for them. I feel their pain and suffering. I woke hot because I switched to see out of the eyes of a slave boy. No more than at least 17 or 18. He was sad and in pain. But, he would call on the name of the Lord often. He namne was Hope. And he knew the word. By heart. Soldiers of hell came to torture often because of this. So he was afraid to give his hope to others. But he had to. TO save them from their peril. And in the midst of it all, he was in love. Love? In hell! He could save them all by just falling in love. Would he. I hoped he would. I tried to urge him to. He was so afraid of more torment. He was in love with a girl. Their love was pure. I could see no more. I woke in my bed burning with hope for them both.
End dream.
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