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Will America be infected with moral decay?

"The average lifespan of all the world's greatest civiliations from the beginning of history has been about two hundred years. During that two-century span, each of these nations progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; and from dependence back into bondage."

Where do you fill like we are in this cycle? I underlined where I think we are at.

Symptoms of final decay - Eleven observable symptoms of decay in the fall of both the Greek and Roman civilizations. How many characterize our society?

1. No-fault divorce

2. "Birth Dearth"; increased disrespect for parenthood and parents.

3. Meaninglesss marriage rites/ceremonies.

4. Defamation of past national heroes.

5. Acceptance of alternative marriage forms.

6. Widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism, hedonism.

7. Propagation of antifamily sentiment.

8. Acceptance of most forms of adultery.

9. Rebellious children.

10. Increased juvenile delinquency.

11. Common acceptance of all forms of sexual perversion.

We are throwing away our treasured position as the most blessed nation!

"God blessed this country for a reason: our nation was founded on submission to Him. But now as the reasons from His blessings upon America are eroding, we can expect the blessings themselves to fade as well. It's a simple matter of cause and effect: remove the cause, and the effect ceases. Once, we invited God into our nation. From the first moments of our existence, we opened our national doors to Him and made Him welcome as our most honored guest. But now our culture seems bent on shutting Him out."

Need examples?

1. Prayer has been excised from schools.

2. Suits have been filed to force Congress to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Displays of the Ten Commandments have been removed from public buildings.

4. The motto " In God We Trust," is in danger of extinction.

The list goes on. America has been infected with the deadly disease of moral decay. That infection eats away at our foundations, we can expect the law of cause and effect to come into play.

What will we do to insure our freedom? Or with this Presidential election are we going from apathy to dependence on our government?

Quotes taken from "What In The World Is Going On?" by Dr. David Jeremiah

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