All About GOD

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I guess that is the question that we all ask each and every day “Why God?” and lately I have been asking myself that same question. Why it is the more we try to do things according to the Lord we always end up more turned and confused then before. I for one am tiered of hearing put all your troubles in God’s hands and let him take all your sorrows always and only let the love of Christ our Lord feed your heart and soul. But I still cry out Why God? Why if it is so simple to just leave everything at the foot of the Lords feet and not look back it still hurts I do want to be happy I no longer want to be sand and feel worthless. I know that I have not been the most forthcoming with the Lord but then why is it that in Matthew 7:7,8  it says “ Ask and it shell be answered, seek and ye shell find knock and the door will be answered……” I have yet to find what I am seek and I have yet to see the door opened to me.  I know that God’s time is not of this earth yet I have not yet seen any of the doors that I have knocked on open on to me nor have I been able to find the peace that I have been looking for in my life I am just tiered of carrying my cross and all I have been asking for the load to be lighten just a little just enough so that I may regain my strength and continue to carry with my cross. So once again “Why God?”  “Why?”

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Comment by Maritza R. Rios on August 26, 2012 at 9:05pm

Thanks a lot Amanda this does comfort me and will keep it when ever I feel as if I have no hope that is when Jesus is there walking with me holding my hand.


Comment by Maritza R. Rios on August 25, 2012 at 1:10pm

Thank you all for you words of encuragement. I know that God never gives me that which I can not handle but there are times that the load just seems to be to heavy to bare and that is what I am seeking just a little help carring my load just for a little bit just long enough to recover and regain my strenth. Just as Jesus got help carrying his cross and got it I too am seeking help with my cross.

Comment by Christopher Caraig on August 25, 2012 at 11:28am

Sometimes we need to fall down, to be lifted up by our God. We Asked for what? We seek for what? And what we expect to see after the door was opened? I remember one of the teaching I heard, "What are we looking when we are praying? Is it the hand or the face of our God?" Are we looking for the hand for His help or provision? Or are we looking for His face or His revelation for us? We always look for the hand for guidance or help we need; but why not look for His face, His revelation for us, His plan for us? And do the things that God reveals on us.

Comment by Charles Burwell on August 25, 2012 at 11:10am



I can really relate to what you are speaking of . I ave so many times ( over the last 35 years ) asked God questions like : 


What ? You've got to be kidding me .


This isn't really You leading me to this , is it ?


Don't You know that I am probably the least qualified to do something like this ?


Why don't you just take me  if this is what I've got to look forward to ?


I don't say this out of any kind of pride or any such thing.  I say it out of shamebecause I have seen the hand of the Lord in such mighty ways when I was completely at the end of my ways. He has taught me the precious truth of His words in Isaiah 55: 7-9


                " Let the wicked forskake his ways, and the un righteous man his thoughts : and let him return unto the Lord, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.




                 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, SO ARE MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS, nad MY THOUGHTS THAN YOUR THOUGHTS. "


My dear sister , I truly share in your times of questioning God and His will.  I have stumbled and grumbled and outright refused to accept ( at first ) some of the things He was leading me in.  Sometimes I had to move forward with such a heavy heart that I ( on several occasions ) just pleade with Him to take me rather than make me do what He was requiring or allowing me to go through.


It was terribly painful at times but each and every time God proved His faithfullness and love through the trials or circumstances that He put before me . My precious one , sometimes the pain may seem to be more than we can bear ( I speak from much experience ) but God will ALWAYS provide the way that we may be able to bear with them.


I'm not speaking from some self help book I've read or from some great teacher of the word , but instead , from experiences in my life where God lead me ( sometimes kicking and screaming ) through circumstances far beyond my ability to even understand ,  unto victories that I never would have dared to dream possible.


I pray , my sister , that you don't lose heart and do not lose sight of the One who is able to deliver you to the uttermost from ANY and ALL circumstances.


God bless you as you cling to Him.

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