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How can they be 'terrorists'when they are constantly being hit by Hamas' rockets?

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Comment by Charles Burwell on November 9, 2010 at 11:46am

In the case of Israel; when they are accused of 'terrorism' they are simply doing what is called a ' premptive strike'..
As you know that simply means that they are nuetralizing 'potential' threats BEFORE they become unfortunate realities. A nation who is so utterly surrounded by enemies that are bent on it's destruction are left with little choice but to attack potential threats as they cannot afford to wait and then retaliate when potentially irreversible damage has been done.

It is similar to homeland security being accussed of 'profiling ' when they are simply being more watchful of the ones who have been KNOWN to create dangerous situations. It is a shame that the world has to be the way it is , but as long as it is men will use 'premptive striking and profiling ( among other things) in their attempts to secure there homes and homeland.

It's something that will just be here until Christ comes to straighten everything out.

God bless.

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