Throughout the Bible, the word “heaven” is used to describe three locations: First, there is the atmosphere that envelops the earth; this is the first heaven. Next, the vast regions of outer space are collectively referred to as “heaven,” or “the heavens”; this is the "second heaven.” Finally, the location of God’s throne is specifically called “the third heaven” by Paul (2 Corinthians.12:2).
Isa 65:17 Take notice! I'm about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things won't be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
In the grace and comfort believers have in Christ, we are to look for this new heaven and new earth. The former confusions, sins and miseries of the human race, shall be no more remembered or renewed. The approaching state of the church is described under a variety of images. He shall be thought to die in his youth, and for his sins, who only lives to the age of a hundred years. The event alone can determine what is meant; but it is plain that Christianity, if universal, would so do away violence and evil, as greatly to lengthen life. God's people shall enjoy the fruit of their labours. Nor will children then be the trouble of their parents, or suffer trouble themselves. The evil dispositions of sinners shall be completely mortified; all shall live in harmony. Thus the church on earth shall be like heaven. This prophecy assures the servants of Christ, which the time approaches, wherein they shall be blessed with the undisturbed enjoyment of all that is needful for their happiness. As workers together with God, let us attend his ordinances, and obey his commands.
Rev 5:10 You made them a kingdom and priests for our God, and they will reign on the earth."
Christ has redeemed his people from the bondage of sin, guilt, and Satan. He has not only purchased liberty for them, but the highest honour and preferment; he made them kings and priests; kings, to rule over their own spirits, and to overcome the world, and the evil one; and he makes them priests; giving them access to himself, and liberty to offer up spiritual sacrifices.
What words can more fully declare that Christ is, and ought to be worshipped, equally with the Father, by all creatures, to all eternity! Blessed are those who shall adore and praise in heaven, and who shall for ever bless the Lamb, who delivered and set them apart for himself by his blood.
Mat 5:5 “How blessed are those who are humble, because it is they who will inherit the earth!
The meek are those who quietly submit to God; who can bear insult; are silent, or return a soft answer; who, in their patience, keep possession of their own souls, when they can scarcely keep possession of anything else. These meek ones are happy, even in this world. Meekness promotes wealth, comfort, and safety. They that hold all their passions and affections evenly balanced. They shall inherit the earth - They shall have all things really necessary for life and godliness. They shall enjoy whatever portion God hath given them here, and shall hereafter possess the new earth, wherein dwelled righteousness.
Psa 37:9-11 “For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land. In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.
Let us be satisfied that God will make all to work for good to us. Let us not discompose ourselves at what we see in this world. A fretful, discontented spirit is open to many temptations. For, in all respects, the little which is allotted to the righteous is more comfortable and more profitable than the ill-gotten and abused riches of ungodly men. It comes from a hand of special love. God provides plentifully and well, not only for his working servants, but for his waiting servants. They have that which is better than wealth, peace of mind, peace with God, and then peace in God; that peace which the world cannot give, and which the world cannot have.
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
The things of the Spirit of God are foolishness to the natural man. Many think that cannot be proved, which they cannot believe. Joh_3:11-13, These shows of those who make these things are strange to them? And it recommends us to search them out. Jesus Christ is every way able to reveal the will of God to us;
The knowledge of this must be from above, and can be received by faith alone.
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