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"Because God will soon destroy the world and judge the unrighteous, we must not become attached to this world's system or things within it." - The Full Life Study Bible

"Common sense tells us to turn from the tinsel and toys of this world and live in holiness and godliness. It is a simple matter of living for eternity rather than time, of emphasizing the spiritual rather than the material, of choosing the permanent over the passing." - Believer's Bible Commentary

"Everything material has the stamp of oblivion upon it. The things of which men boast, the things for which they live are passing things at best. To live for material things is to live for the temporary." - Believer's Bible Commentary

"Nothing preaches to us such a sermon of the vanity of man, his works, his ambition, his art, his fashion, his pleasures, his proud over-weening science, as the instability of earth and of its final dissolution." - Biblical Illustrator

"Ought we not to find in this exhibition of nature's unrest and discord an irresistible argument for holiness of life?" - Biblical Illustrator

"THE INFLUENCE WHICH THE DISSOLUTION OF ALL THINGS OUGHT TO PRODUCE UPON OUR LIVES. It ought to produce a seriousness of thought, at all times, upon the mind." - Biblical Illustrator

2 Peter 3:11 says - "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?"

Based on this verse of Scripture, there are two undoubted truths to be considered in this Bible Message. First of all, the world as you know it is being dissolved. The second truth to consider is that this fact - when believed - will exert a deep and abiding influence on your life.

Peter said that "all things" "shall be dissolved." In other words, the "germ" of the coming dissolution is already in being. The things of this world are already in motion leading up to this climactic event. The material fabric of this earth is wearing out. The clock - so to speak - is not being wound up any more. Hence, time is running out. Nothing on earth is stable any more.

Those who believe this Bible truth find themselves in a state of preparation.

They live in this state - while keeping themselves unspotted from the world...perfecting holiness in the fear of God...and exercising themselves unto godliness. Their values, goals, and purposes in life are being centered around God and the hope of a new heaven and a new earth. From day to day, they are growing more serious, humble, and prayerful. Their great interests are in another world - leading them not to desire to accumulate what must soon be destroyed but prompting them to lay up treasures in Heaven. From day to day, they are guarding against intemperance and worldly mindedness and every worldly and hurtful lust. And, lastly, they are making sure to perform their duties toward God and man.

In spite of the fact that this knowledge of the coming dissolution of all things is written in the Bible, there are many unbelievers who aren't "buying" this truth. What they are doing is living for the "NOW" - as "worshippers of visible things."

Take the "man of pleasure" - for example. He is delighting himself with the things which gratify his senses or flesh. The "man of learning" is neglecting the "wisdom from above." The "money man" is persisting in digging for gold or heaping up riches. And the "ambitious man" is toiling for distinction.

God will destroy the world as we know it and judge the unrighteous. So why are you becoming more and more attached to this world's system and the things in it?

The things of this world are passing things at best. So why are you living for time rather than eternity... emphasizing the material rather than the spiritual...and choosing the passing over the permanent?

As you look upon "the instability of earth and its final dissolution," why are you not finding "an irresistible argument for holiness of life"?

Why is "the dissolution of all things" not producing "a seriousness of thought" "at all times" upon your mind?

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?"

With all this in mind, how is this Bible Message going to change the way you are presently living?

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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