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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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Crazy, violent weather is sweeping through many states, mine included. Through the window, I can see my American flag whipping in the wind, and rain splashing in puddles in the street, so it is a great day to write. And as I do, I am certain my subject matter could not be any more significant.

We return to the scene where Jesus is addressing a growing crowd comprised of sinners and tax collectors, the Jewish leaders criticizing him for spending time with such people. Jesus does not defend himself or tell them why their thinking is messed up; instead, he straightaway tells three parables. The first one concerns the shepherd going in search of his one lost sheep--a picture of the magnanimous love of the Father for all who are lost, far from him. The shepherd's neighbors rejoice with him, just as accordingly, there is great joy in Heaven over one saved soul.

In the second parable, after a woman who has lost a coin conducts an all-out search in her home, she finds it! Overjoyed, she calls her neighbors to report her great news, and they rejoice with her. Just so, Jesus says, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.1

What Jesus has to say in the third parable is of great importance for all of us--particularly as I recall conversations with people on the airplane, in the gym or grocery store--yes, even in a taxicab. Come with me.

The link for the full parable: 15.11-32&vers....

It seems that a son – the younger of two boys – decided he wanted to ‘see the world’ and experience all the world had to offer; so, he went to his father and asked for his inheritance.  His father gave him his share and the son soon departed.  It didn't take long for him to squander all he had on scandalous living; destitute, he took a job feeding the pigs, so hungry himself, he wanted to eat their food!  ‘Huh, why even my father’s servants have it better than me right now! I will go home, beg for mercy, and see if Father will hire me.’ 

  As he neared the familiar homestead, his father saw him in the distance, and get this, he ran to him!  He threw his arms around him and welcomed his boy home.  Why, he wrapped a robe around him, put a ring on his finger, fine sandals on his feet, and had a great celebration.  

  The older brother who had remained at home with his father was filled with self-righteous anger and jealousy.  The father explained, ‘Son, all I have is yours, but be glad with me—my boy is home!  It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.”2

WHO am I in this Parable of the Prodigal Son?  Honestly, I have been the wandering son who returned to my Heavenly Father, asking to come home.  I have been the self-righteous older brother, wondering why someone ‘got off’ so easily, when their sin had been so egregious.  And then too, I have been the merciful father: I have welcomed a prodigal home, even bought the robe, the ring and sandals (Rainbows, of course)3 ‘All that matters is that you are home now!’  I wept over my boy.

Over the many years I have taught the Bible, it is the mercy of God that people sometimes trip over.  While they are so grateful to be forgiven by God and receive his mercy for themselves, it confounds them how some awful person, much 'worse' than them, of course—you know, a __, or a ___... (fill in the blank with a reprobate) could possibly be forgiven and given a fresh start!  And yet, there it is—the matchless love of God who sees and has mercy on the repentant heart, one that is sorry to the core, and has turned from his sin.  Scripture says that ‘as far as the east is from the west, He remembers our sins no more!’4 Nothing short of remarkable.  

Jesus uses the welcoming father--who sees his boy from a distance and runs to him-- to portray the heart of our Heavenly Father toward us. In this father and his actions, we witness the vast mercy of God and see his deep, matchless love.  Oh, Friend, we cannot say enough about these qualities of our Father! No matter our own experience of an earthly dad, no matter our own wanderings or how far astray we have gone, we can always go home.

We must do whatever it takes to understand the Love,

Mercy and Grace of our magnificent God, his disposition toward us.

When we get this right, it is life changing for us;

when we can express it to another, it is life giving for them.

Check out the words of this song, Let it Begin

May Mercy, Grace and Love be yours,

Christine -

Luke, #49

1 – Luke 15.10

2 - Luke 15.32

3 - Rainbow sandals are the best – and a San Clemente staple,

4 - Psalm 103.12

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