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Please read Acts 9.23-43 in your Bible, or click on:

Glad tidings! A little archaic, but it expresses a little more joy than 'good morning', I think~
As we close out Acts chapter 9, there are a couple vignettes captured by author Luke--Saul's change of venue, the church experiences a little peace, and Peter assumes center stage again for a little while. Notice a couple pertinent points with me, if you will:

After many days had gone by - v.23 This is a broad usage of "many days", when following Saul's conversion, he goes to Arabia for three years. He mentions the three-year stay in the letter he wrote to the Galatians, chapter 1, verses 17-18. He did not go to Jerusalem, so what did he do during this time? Scripture doesn't tell us, but we get an idea from what happened right before and immediately after. Before, he had to flee Damascus, and did so by being lowered over the city wall in a basket! (that must have been some basket, eh?) Here in Acts 9, we see that Saul, the 'tracker' became the 'tracked' as the Jews and Arabs were seeking to kill him, to stop him from preaching any more about his new found love and purpose for living, Jesus Christ. At the end of three years, he returns to Jerusalem, where he spends time with Peter and James, the Lord's brother. We can be sure that they told Saul what life with Jesus had been like--the teaching, the miracles, the Man.
We pick up something about Saul's style of evangelism, (or sharing the Good News)--that it was different than Peter's, and different from Tabitha, who we read about here. Scripture actually gives examples of six different evangelistic styles. We are all called to be witnesses [remember--Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses. . .", and a witness simply tells what she has seen or experienced], but seeing that there are different styles of sharing the Gospel is really great. Check it out. . . could any of these suit you?

1) Peter had a CONFRONTATIONAL style. In Acts 2, we saw how Peter preached clearly, boldly, powerfully, convincingly--so much so, that 3000 accepted the Lord that day.
Traits: Like Peter, this person is usually confident, bold, direct, and has strong opinions and convictions.

2) Saul/Paul had an INTELLECTUAL style. As we see in this chapter, "He talked and debated with the Grecian Jews," and in Acts 17, Paul taught and reasoned with the Jews and Greeks alike, persuading them with the truth of Christ.
Traits: analytical, logical, inquisitive, likes to debate, more concerned with what people think, than what they feel.

3) The blind man had a TESTIMONIAL style. John 9 records the story of a man born blind who Jesus healed. vs. 25 "One thing I do know--I was blind but now I see."
Traits: good listener, honest, sees links between their own experience and that of other people's
"We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us. . ." 1 John 1.3

4) Matthew had an INTERPERSONAL style. (also called "Levi" in Luke 5) After coming to know Jesus, Matthew invited his tax collector friends to a banquet in his home to meet Jesus.
Traits: conversational, compassionate, sensitive, friendship-oriented, focuses on people and their needs.
"I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some." Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9.22.

5) The woman at the well had an INVITATIONAL style. In John 4, she had a real encounter with Jesus, and then ran back to the people in her town and said, "Come and meet the Man who told me everything about me, and loved me anyway." She invited them to come. . . meet Jesus----and they did!
Traits: hospitable, persuasive, enjoys meeting new people, loves to have an opportunity or event to invite others

6) Tabitha (Dorcas), had a SERVING style. Here, in Acts 9, Luke described Dorcas as a "disciple who was always doing good and helping the poor."
Traits: patient, others-centered, sees need and finds joy in meeting it, shows love through action more than words, attaches value to menial tasks.

When I discover a great "read", I love to share it; when I dine at a new restaurant, I tell other people about it--so why would I hesitate in telling them about a God who loves them, who has a plan and purpose specific for them? I learned about the above 'styles' from an evangelism seminar I went to several years ago, and loved. So, what's your style? Or, what could be your style? For me, the circumstance determines my style--at one time or another, I have engaged all of them.

Share Jesus in a 'style' that works for you. . . Christine (DiGiacomo) For more on these 'styles', check out How to be a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg

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