All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

~What Makes Your Heart Sing? #1 

Without a lot of time to think about it, right off the top of your head, 

>what is one thing that makes your heart sing? Stop and think about it. 

What does a singing heart look like? 

What picture does it conjure up in your mind? 

For sure, it has to contain Joy. 

When I think of joyful singing, I think of birds. Did you know that birds are mentioned in Scripture more than 300 times? I personally think God has a thing for birds—just like me. My fondness for birds is not a recent thing; since I was a little girl, I had a thing for birds. My mom and dad were great about letting me have two parakeets—Mickie and Vickie. I loved those little birds—took them out of their cages, talked to them, stroked them, and told them they were beautiful. I believe that God created birds out of his vast creativity, using different styles of flight, flap of wings, songs, colors and the various venues where they may be found. I was researching why birds sing … The Brown Thrasher can sing as many as 2,000 distinct songs. Other species, such as the Henslow’s Sparrow, seem to have only one song.1 But birds sing on purpose for a purpose. Males sing the loudest, and it is usually to attract females. Ha, it would be funny if men did the same thing, eh? 

‘The intersection of technology and the liberal arts-- that makes my heart sing-’ Steve Jobs.2 

When you ask someone the question ‘What makes your heart sing?’ which I have done a number of times in the last weeks; after clashed eyebrows for a moment of thinking, and sometimes even a roll of the eyes, I have noticed that just entertaining the question draws a response-- 

--evokes a smile inside 

--sometimes a smile outside 

seems to: 

--have to do with passion 

--have to do with contentment, 

and seems to 

--require some kind of response from us 

When I asked myself what makes my heart sing, I did a lot of thinking and soul searching—what makes my heart sing is feeling vitally alive, contented and full of joy. What gets me there? It is definitely an intersection of several things, and it comes out of a cross section of strengths, experiences, gifts and God-given passions—it is living out my unique purpose. 

The subject of life purpose has been one that has interested me for years, and I knew I needed to find answers for other people, when I sat across a circle from a beautiful, articulate, intelligent, attractive, marathon-running petite blonde—a Christian wife and mother of two and structural engineere, who had just designed the addition to Los Angeles International Airport. ‘Christine, I just need to know my purpose … what am I meant to do, what am I meant to be?’ she asked ardently. Clearly, from the outside, she had all the answers, right? I will never forget our exchange. Megan. That was her name. Smile. 

In the next several weeks, we are going to look at what God has to say about why we are here, and what he intended our priorities to be… ‘turns out the answers are contained simply in the Bible. The Bible is the standard upon which all Morning Briefings are based; so at least one briefing each week this month will be about asking God to show you your purpose for living. 

Recently, I shared this passage that Paul wrote, and it seems to capture so much about how we ought live life, and how we ought to love: 1 Peter 1.22 – 2.3~ Love each other with a warm love that comes from the heart. After all, you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth. As a result you have a sincere love for each other. You have been born again, not from a seed that can be destroyed, but through God’s everlasting word that can’t be destroyed. That’s why Scripture says, 

“All people are like grass, 

and all their beauty is like a flower of the field. 

The grass dries up and the flower drops off, 

but the word of the Lord lasts forever.” 

This word is the Good News that was told to you. 

So get rid of every kind of evil, every kind of deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, and every kind of slander. Desire God’s pure word as newborn babies desire milk. Then you will grow in your salvation. Certainly you have tasted that the Lord is good! God’s Word Translation 

Love definitely makes our heart sing; loving is definitely a grand part of our God-given purpose. 


1 – All About Birds - ;

2 – Great article on -
All About Birds : Why Birds Sing
Comprehensive information on North American birds including a bird guide, identification tips, and c...

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