All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Last night on television I saw an advertisement for Scientology … one of our culture’s greatest dupes to entice people to grow wiser and actually increase their ‘IQ’… Of course, it also entices folks to spend a lot of money to do so, because a ‘follower’ has to work with an auditor on his e-meter (similar in function to a lie detector machine), to achieve next levels as he moves to remove the various markings (engrams) from his mind and soul to become “clear”.  Wisdom . . . really?

The world has offered its own brand of wisdom for centuries, going all the way back to the Greek philosopher, Socrates, born in 469 BC, then Plato, and Aristotle. . . all devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. It seems to me that Augustine had it right in his Confessions, "They say many true things about the creature (creation), but they do not seek with true piety for the Truth, the Architect of Creation, and hence they do not find him." Hundreds of years before these famous Greek thinkers, was Solomon, son of King David, who penned much of the book of Proverbs, which talks a lot about wisdom--For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. . . Proverbs 2.6

And now our Lord’s brother, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” 1.5

The world only offers a counterfeit. Real wisdom comes from God.  A little further into his book, James expounds on the nature of God’s wisdom.  But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. Jas. 3.17

True wisdom emanates from the heart of God--it is not prideful or puffed up. But the amazing thing about it is that we do not have to take classes in it or keep searching for the latest cultural iteration of it, wisdom can be had by asking God for it.  And God will give generously. If we seek to know him, his wisdom, his directions and plans for us, we will be wise—through studying his Word—which takes diligence, I might add—and communing with him.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55.8  How can wisdom be understood?  It seems to me that it covers six different areas:

>understanding - what is true, right, lasting

>discretion - the ability to decide responsibly

>prudence - wise in handling practical matters, exercising good judgment, common sense, careful about one's conduct (okay, there's another T shirt I want--black with the word "prude" written in silver script across the chest)

>discernment - keen insight

>knowledge - the sum of scholarly learning through the ages; wise teachings of the ancient sages

>action - exercising discretion, prudence, discernment in choosing a course of action for ourselves

Wisdom. . . not proud or puffed up

Wisdom. . . practical and sincere

Wisdom. . . direction for our lives

Wisdom. . . divine truth

Wisdom. . . available for you, for me




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