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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

*What is Truth?*
By James Cook

Many times we can embrace those lingering thoughts that captivate our minds. Then there are those secretive ones that stand out from all the others, and we try to convince ourselves we have suppressed them deep into our confidential inner prison to prevent any ill-responses toward us. Some of the reasons that can restrain us from accepting honest feedback can be our pride, fear, what if someone finds out about my thoughts, and on and on it can go. One of these topics that can instill fear within us is truth. Where does it come from? How do I accept it? How will others see me if they know the truth about me? It becomes a self made prison that can totally dominate every step in our life, and the more we push it a away, the heavier our hearts become. In time, our whole being can adopt so much uncertainity, low self-worth, fear of others finding that secretive world inside of us, fear of ourselves finding out what we are all about, and the most painful one can be our spiritual life since this lives deep within us. Consequently, this impacts our dignity, self-respect, self-worth, and our growth into maturity in our Father's ways.

Thankfully, we have a friend that can restore us to a better way of life if only we allow this friend to become our friend. If we continue to fear this friend, then we are going to continue fearing Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 14:6 that “I am the way, the Truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Therefore, if we fear the truth we also fear man, since Jesus was man on earth, and He is the only One who can lead us to God. It is our responsibililty to adopt this Truth into our lives, and by failing to do so we have no other way to get to God. If we question this, then we are not taking Jesus at His Word, and this is the difference between believing in Jesus, and believing Jesus.

Jesus makes such a profound statement when He says, "He is Truth", and this makes Truth a person, and this Truth is Jesus Christ. Confidently, we can be rest assured that Jesus is not a ritual, He is not a religion, or a bunch of legalistics that no one can live up to, but One of divine love, in 1 John 4:16 (NIV) God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. As the scripture says, "God is love", and it is what every person hungers for in society. Failing to love, is failing to obey the commandments that Jesus spoke of in, Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[a] 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." One of the greatest ways of knowing Truth, is by practising the commandments that we have been directed in, and it will also reassure us just how much we love ourselves. Loving ourself, we may think is impossible, regardless, it is in scripture, and it will show how much we love our neighbour, and how much we love God by the actions and thoughts that we bring upon ourself.
Jesus clarifies that HE IS TRUTH, where other leaders of cults and sects are in search of truth, they are trying to direct people to something they think is truth, or they are trying to philosophy truth and love to death. Yet, it is defined that, "God is love". Because God is Love, it is our honour to share this love to all those around us in a caring and loving way. As time has gone by, there are some who have tried sharing God's love with others, but it was done in a very legalistic way that made many walk away. On the other hand, there have been those who have shown God's love in such a genuine and loving way that His love and truth beamed through the eyes of the messenger. Curiously, I approached them, I wanted to ask them what they had to keep these people's focus, since I was young in my faith, and the greatest answer was that they were taught by the Holy Spirit and they were filled with Truth, which powered them to share in love.
If we fail to show God's love to others, then how are they to find it? Being in the faith, we are instructed to share the gospel with others, but if we are afraid of being rejected or maybe mess it up, then it is time we get reunited with the Holy Spirit for a time of refreshing to get a recharge in the love that puts God's Truth into action. It is but a short breath to get in touch with our Holy Instructor so we can get spiritually rescued from the pit we can be in. To call upon His name is no different today than it was in Biblical times, as there were many who called Him Teacher. He was the Teacher that shared in His Father's Love without any form of weakness or hesitation, and totally in His Father's Will.
Anyone who called Him a teacher, Jesus responded by admitting He was a teacher, as in John 13:13, "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am". Furthermore, Jesus stated in Luke 6:40 that, "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher". Now the question remains, are you in total agreement with Jesus, and do you really want to be like Him? If you have doubts, are you questioning Him, and if this is where you are at, then maybe you are not at a point in life to fully accept the Truth. Until the time comes when we desire freedom, we will always place ourselves in opposition to what Jesus says in, John 8:32 (NIV)"Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." So if Jesus is Truth, then it is Jesus that can set everyone, who calls upon Him free.
"When Jesus says He is the way, and the only way to the Father, I must believe this. As He is the Truth, He is in reality all of God's promises. As He is the life, He joins His divine life to ours, both now and eternity". (Commentary NIV) Amazingly, when we get to know Jesus, we get to know Who God is, and search for the truth, and in all reality, it all ends in Christ."
Do you hunger for that freedom? Are you tired of all the turmoil in your life? Are you open to what Truth has to say to you? Or are you unsure of what to do if you allow Truth to become your Teacher? I want to encourage you to know that you are not alone, as we all have things in our lives that can only be set free by the Truth. If you believe your walk will be too much at first, then find someone who will walk with you so you will learn all about Truth, and what you can do for Him, with Him as you grow into Him.
This growth will happen when you find the truth, believe the Truth, do the Truth, Stand for Truth, and Spread the Truth. However, this doesn't mean we are going to be without struggles, but you will be on your way into a deeper search of a new found freedom, that only comes by being in a relationship with Truth (Jesus). We must always keep in mind that this search will never stop until the day we move into the higher place that He has been preparing for us.
God Bless You.

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