What in the world is going on… EnD TimeS, what does it mean?
Listen to this podcast here: https://www.pastorwoman.net/podcast/episode/20d0c91d/what-in-the-wo...
These are questions that I have been asked in the last few days—questions for which we can find answers. Why would folks ask about war in Israel being part of prophecy and End Times discussion? Because the Bible is full of prophecies, 80 percent of which have already been fulfilled. They happened just like had been prophesied hundreds of years before the event took place—exactly like Scripture described.
All End of Times prophecies revolve around the nation of Israel, and each of those revolves around the city of Jerusalem.
This morning I picked up my new friend to go to the gym and casually asked, ‘have you been following the news about Israel?’ ‘No, not really – I’ve been busy taking care of my mom.’ I spoke to another woman, who commented it was just too tough, ‘no, not really.’ So, in case you have been busy or you have not heard, permit me to outline what is happening in this sensitive part of the Middle East because we may get an up close and personal visit ourselves, and because the land of Jesus, David and the Prophets, and her people, ought always have a place in our hearts and minds.
Briefly, the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel on several fronts Saturday morning, doing what no one thought they could do, against the high-tech, well-armed military—they caught Israel off guard. I think it is important to be clear on the nature of the attack: Hamas slaughtered innocent civilians, little children, old people, entire families, decapitated 40 infants, shot down hundreds of young concert goers in an open field, raped women and took more than a hundred and fifty hostages back to Gaza before the Israeli Defense Forces could stop them. More than a thousand Israelis are known dead as of this writing—the deadliest attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Saturday was the bloodiest day in Israel’s 75 years as a nation.
‘Why?’ you ask. 'Why would they do such a thing, and even film their acts?' Because in the Hamas Charter it spells out their goal to eliminate every Jew off the face of the earth (oh, and Americans too). It was not too many years ago that troublemakers in the Gaza Strip threw rocks at Israeli soldiers or launched some crude missile—gone are those days as Hamas is being funded by Iran. Consider this statement from the Wall Street Journal, October 8, 2023. Dateline: DUBAI – “Iranian security officials helped plan Saturday’s surprise attack of Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iranian backed terror group.”
Hold on a minute – in case you think I’m off script or getting political; no sir, this is Bible, and I am attempting to answer questions I have been asked. Talking about history here--you see, up until 1935, Iran was called Persia. You can check out Ezekiel 38 and find Persia, along with Russia, “Magog” . . . the attack of Jerusalem and God’s defeat of them.
In my 16th year of writing Morning Briefings and I have never addressed this subject and its implications for all of us – but we are mistaken if we do not think what is going on in the Middle East right now is not going to affect America (which accounts for the lion’s share of my readers) and the rest of the world.
I have neither a flare for the dramatic nor a doomsday outlook, but I do want to be informed. You know, I remember when I was about 12 or 14 years old, we used to sing this song called “I wish we’d all been ready” and it was about people who were left behind after the Rapture, when Christians are suddenly snatched away – are you listening? The Rapture is the next event on the Bible’s prophetic calendar to take place. It could happen at any time.
So here’s my question – are you ready?
In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus and the disciples were on the beautiful Mount of Olives. The disciples asked the Lord about when he would return. Jesus’ words have profound meaning to us right now – today. “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” Verses 4-8
Wars and rumors of wars… do not be alarmed…but the end is not yet…these are but the beginning of the birth pains.
In 2018, a group called Christians United for Israel included me on a tour to Israel (along with about 25 other ministers of the Gospel), for the purpose of educating us about several aspects of truly understanding and fully supporting Israel, which Christians are meant to do. We learned of the military and cultural pressures that bear on the tiny nation. All the countries around Israel are bent on her destruction. We went on a military base in Northern Israel that looked down on Lebanon, and Hezbollah. This morning, Hezbollah launched rockets against that base. Rumblings from Syria were also heard this morning. What am I saying? This could quickly escalate into a multi-front war which would likely draw other nations—to an even greater extent than Iran’s involvement in this one.
Should you be afraid? No. Jesus said it ‘do not be alarmed,’ however – we sure as a world ought carefully consider Who God is to Us, and make well sure that we know him for ourselves. God the Father told us we could be made right with him in one way—establishing relationship with his Son Jesus Christ.
Is this war the war? Is this the precursor to Armageddon, the final war? Maybe. But it sure is getting interesting. I’m so glad I know the King!
'Can't believe it but I found the song:
"I Wish We'd All Been Ready" really great remake:
praying for the peace of Jerusalem,
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