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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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What was important to Jesus-then and now?  

I wonder what Jesus thought about each one of the disciples, because while we think of them as ‘the twelve’, Jesus called them individually – he knew them as distinct persons.  After all, he had knit each together in his mother’s womb,1 and knew each one of them well.2 

Scripture says our purpose3 which will always revolve around what we are meant to do for Christ was established before time. Hmmm, I wonder when the 12 knew what Jesus meant for them to do.  [yes, as though I could morph into the storyline of the gospel, walk into the pages of scripture when Jesus was physically here, and take a look around at what folks were thinking ... what they knew, how they related to one another… like, did the 12 ever wrestle? Did they argue? Tell jokes, laugh? Compete? hmmm]

With those thoughts in mind, I opened my Bible once again, this time to the tenth chapter of Luke’s gospel.  Lo and behold, if the Master did not lay out, in word and deed just what was most important to him.

Read Luke 10: 10&version=NASB

First, Jesus sends out the 724 in pairs to go before him--emphasizing:

· The need for prayer in the work of evangelism (therefore pray).

· The maker of the harvest (the Lord of the harvest).

· The need for workers in the work of evangelism (laborers).

· The calling of God for the work of the harvest (to send out).

· The nature of harvest participation, work (laborers).

· The need to recognize Whom the harvest belongs to (His harvest).5

Jesus likens the harvesting of souls to agricultural harvest, something his people could grasp, and we his followers must as well.  Friends, Christianity is the most accurate account of reality and therefore worthy of our saying so.6

Second, Jesus defines what it means to love our neighbor, and answers the question,‘just who is my neighbor’?  by telling the story of the Good Samaritan – a man who took care of a stranger, who likely despised him as he was a wretched Samaritan.  (maybe a bit like a current-day Israeli who would care for a wounded Hamas soldier)

Third, we have a glimpse of Jesus in an intimate setting in the home of his friends in Bethany, where he often went to rest.  

Luke describes it for us in a few rich, telling verses:

"As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”

But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10.38-42

Was Jesus saying Martha’s acts of service were unimportant?  Absolutely not.  There is no doubt Jesus expressed his gratitude for how his friends met his needs, served and cared for him – including Peter’s mother-in-law in Capernaum!

But… what mattered more, was what he was teaching them.  Jesus wanted them to hear his words so that their hearts would be forever his.

From the outset, I posed the question:  What was important to Jesus?  

What does Jesus want from us?

1)        Represent him well.  Tell others of Jesus and his great love

Sometimes people will say to me – '‘I get it—it is easy for you to talk about Jesus to other people because of your personality; you’re so out there!’ (meaning I’m an extrovert). While there is some truth to that, I’m no different than anyone else—I want to be liked, I don’t want to be rejected!  Sharing the love of Jesus might be risky, but what did He say here? The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me.It is the Lord who they reject. . .

2)        Be a good neighbor – that is to say, Love others well, sacrificially even—

and by ‘neighbor’ he was not referring to one who was ‘familiar’ … hmmm

3)        Worship him – listen to him, as Mary sat at his feet and listened.

How I love the simplicity of Jesus’ teaching here!

These same distinctives are ours today--simple to understand, not always easy to obey.  How could we not share Jesus with others?

I used to listen to this song in my early teen years, and by this same guy - simply beautiful: "Here I am, Lord" -

Just want to honor him,

Christine -

39, Luke

1 -  Psalm 139.13, 139.13&version=NIV

2 – The Twelve:  Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Thaddeus, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon (the zealot), Judas. 

3 – Ephesians 2.10 – 

4 – some Bible translations say 70 vs. 72

5 – Enduring Word, David Guzik

6 - John Stonestreet,

**do yourself a favor and subscribe to Breakpoint podcast

7 - Luke 10.16

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