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"What does it mean to dress modestly?"

In describing the mode of dress appropriate for women in church, the apostle Paul exhorts them to dress “modestly” with “decency and propriety” then goes on tocontrastimmodest dress with the good deeds which are appropriate for those who profess to be true worshipers of God (1 Timothy 2:9-10). Modesty in the way we dress is not just for church; it is to be the standard for all Christians at all times. The key to understanding what constitutes modesty in dress is to examine the attitudes and intents of the heart. Those whose hearts are inclined toward God will make every effort to dress modestly, decently, and appropriately. Those whose hearts are inclined toward self will dress in a manner designed to draw attention to themselves with little or no regard for the consequences to themselves or others.

A godly woman endeavors to do everything with a “God-ward” perspective. She knows that God wants His people to be concerned for His glory andthe spiritualstate of their brothers and sisters in Christ. If a woman professes to be a Christian yet she dresses in a way that will unduly draw attention to her body, she is a poor witness of the One who bought her soul by dying for her on the cross. She is forgetting that her body has been redeemed by Christ and is now the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). She is telling the world that she sees her own worth as purely physical and that her attractiveness to others depends on how much of her body she reveals to them. Further, by dressing in an immodest fashion, displaying her body for men to lust after, she causes her brothers in Christ to sin, something condemned by God (Matthew 5:27-29).Proverbs 7:10mentions a woman “dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.” Here we see the description of one whose heart condition is displayed by her manner of dress.

The Scripture says that a woman is to dress modestly, but what exactly does that mean in modern society? Does a woman have to be covered from head to toe? There are cults and religions in the world that demand this of women. But is that the biblical meaning of modesty? Again, we have to go back to the matter of the attitudes of the heart. If a woman’s heart is inclined toward godliness, she will wear clothing that is neither provocative nor revealing in public, clothing that does not reflect negatively upon her personal testimony as a child of God. Even when everyone else in her circle is dressing immodestly, she resists the temptation to go along with the crowd. She knows these types ofclothesare designed to draw attention to her body and cause men to lust, but she is wise enough to know that type of attention only cheapens her. The idea of causing men to sin against God because of her dress is abhorrent to her because she seeks to love and honor God and wants others to do the same. Modesty in dress reveals a modesty and godliness of the heart, attitudes that should be the desire of all women who live to please and honor God.

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Comment by Prophet on May 18, 2013 at 5:04am

i believe that when we make the decision to follow the Lord with our whole hearts he then starts to do a work in us... with me he started with the dress thing... constantly taking me to the dress requirements for Prophets and also about covering my head and about covering the loins sooo being stubborn it took a while to sink in... and to adjust... but now i would not dress any other way and people in my community have stopped asking why i dress so funny lol but i am so blessed since i got this part sorted... and my ministry is becoming Spiritually stronger and purer

Comment by Seek on April 12, 2013 at 7:00am

I find the skirts getting shorter and shorter, but to wear them to church?  We have some in our church who do this.  Our church believes that God will convict them of it.  But I believe they should have a dress code at least for those going in front of the church with choir or something.  It reflects poorly.

Comment by Prophet on April 12, 2013 at 2:13am

i also think so, there are so many christian women who really do not find it distressing to dress in the latest fashions regardless of how revealing and provocative they are and do not find anything wrong with it 

Comment by Deserey Velasquez on April 11, 2013 at 7:07pm

This would be a good topic for the forums.


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