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What does it mean to be contemptuous?

The LORD spoke to me about what it means to be contemptuous.

Contemptuous means;
( showing or expressing contempt or disdain, scornful, sneering, being insolent, arrogant, and haughty.)

Contempt of court is a court order which, in the context of a court trial or hearing deems an individual as having been disrespectful of the court, its process, and its invested powers.

Often stated simply as "in contempt" or a person "held in contempt", it is the highest remedy of a judge to impose sanctions on an individual for acts which excessively or in a wanton manner disrupt the normal process of a court hearing.

A finding of contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of material deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court.

We need to talk to the LORD and ask Him if we have had contempt for God who has been very kind to us, who has put up with us, and has dealt patiently with us.

We need to realize that it is God's kindness that is trying to lead us to him and change the way we think and act?
Many people will follow their immoral ways( false teachings about morality ) and cause others to dishonor the way of truth.

The Scripture says, “Whom can I speak to? Whom can I give a warning to? Who will listen? Their ears are plugged, and they aren't able to pay attention. When the LORD speaks his word to them, they show contempt for it and object to it.” (Jeremiah 6:10 )

Are we going to continue to be contemptuous to the LORD, by ignoring his warnings to us?

We need to be warned by the name of the LORD Jesus that our actions show that you are refusing to hear the voice of the LORD. We aren't fooling anyone, and we can't continue to live the way we are living with out consequences. “Make no mistake about this:

We can never make a fool out of God. Whatever we plant is what we'll harvest.” ( Galatians 6;7 )
"Will it be well when He examines you? Or will you deceive Him as one deceives a man? ( Job 13:9 )

We are creating our own future by the choices we are making right now.
Every thing that we hold dear will slip out of our hands. We will reap destruction for ourself if we continue to be contemptuous. God's love and mercy is here for us to partake of. I hope with all my heart that we all will decide to make the right choices for our life.

We can con people, but we can't con God, we can't lie to him, and we can't hide from Him. The eyes of the LORD are in every place beholding the evil and the good.

Are we involving ourselves in things that we know are wrong, and yet it doesn't matter to us because we believe the excuses Satan is feeding us?

We will become like a puppets on a string, and the Devil knows how to control us because little by little you have surrendered ourselves to him. He knows exactly what excuse to feed to our minds so he can get us to disobey God. Soon our hearts will become darkened, and hardend toward the truth.

The Spirit says clearly that in later times some believers will desert the Christian faith. They will follow spirits that deceive, and they will believe the teachings of demons. ( 1 Timothy 4:1 )

We will not get free until we are willing to surrender all to God. And when we repent of a contemptuous heart.

Until then the downward spiral will continue. Our freedom will only come when we are honest about everything, and when we must stop concealing our sin. Jesus prayed; “Use the truth to make them holy. Your words are truth.”

I can only hope that that we will not continue to live a contemptuous life, and that we will return to the LORD.

Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned;(dishonor the way of truth. ) ( 1 Peter 2:2, Romans 2:24 GWT)

This is especially true of those who follow their corrupt nature along the path of impure desires and who despise the Lord's authority. ( 2 Peter 2:10, 3:3 )

So he told humans, 'The fear of the Lord is wisdom! To stay away from evil is understanding.'"( Job 28:28, Proverbs 16:6 )

I know that this is the Holy Spirit crying out in us to listen to His voice. He desires to help us so much, and he desires to restore our lives.

If we continue to ignore His voice, our heart will become harder and harder, soon we won't hear his voice at all.

He won't stop calling out to us, but we won't be able to hear Him anymore.

Over and over in the Book of Revelations the phase is used; “He who has an ear let him hear what God is saying to the church.”

Father we want nothing to do with being contemptuous, we repent for allowing, showing, or expressing contempt, or disdain, for being scornful, or sneering, or being insolent, or arrogant, and haughty.
Father change our heart and help us to have a receptive heart. Help us to honor you with all our hearts . Create in us new hearts, hearts that honor you., help us to live out our lives in a way that only brings honor to your name. Holy Spirit baptise us and fill us so we can overcome and be set free from this snare of the Devil. Thank you for your mercy to us,thank you for your grace also.
In the name of Jesus we pray amen.

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