Several years ago, Hollywood and much of the world was rocked by a film
unlike any ever made before it. THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST came closer
to showing what the Lord Jesus endured when He sacrificed His life to
save us from our sins than any "Jesus" movie had ever dared to. Mel
Gibson sought the help of the Christian community to get this incredible
film before the public. Many Christians united to help Mel bring THE
PASSION to theaters. And it made history.
But did any of us--especially those of us who understand spiritual
warfare--stop to consider that Mel Gibson had put himself on the front
lines. I suspect he didn't realize just what that meant and would mean
in his life. Since THE PASSION, Mel's life has been unraveling. He put
himself square in the crosshairs of the enemy of our souls. Our enemy
stalks about, seeking whom he may devour. Mel is being devoured.
I'm not making excuses for Mel's bad behavior. But, I am saying that
the enemy has magnified and ravaged every weak spot in that man. Satan
is helping Mel Gibson destroy himself.
I have prayed for Mel. I have not prayed enough for him. He needs our
prayers. He needs us to pray for God to deliver and restore him. We
need to pray that Mel be led into a more complete knowledge of Jesus
Christ. We need to pray for the Lord to put a hedge of protection
around him so he can be healed and made whole.
Prayer. That's what we can do for a man who has everything. Prayer and
agape love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
God can calm the raging storm in Mel Gibson's life. Jesus will be the
Lighthouse who will lead Mel to the safe harbor. The Holy Spirit will
be his Comforter. We just need to pray.
What say you?

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