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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Acts 9:19-25 and after taking some food, he regained his strength. Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. All those who heard him were astonished and asked, "Isn't he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn't he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?" Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ.

Good day.

Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the Damascus believers in the synagogue? Word was out, Saul had come to town to wreak havoc, and haul the Christians to Jerusalem, punishment for believing in Jesus of Nazareth, and banding together with other believers of The Way, and then along comes Saul. . . through the door of the synagogue. . . I'm guessing that silence fell on the congregation gathered there, as they wondered what would happen next. But then, Saul makes his way to the front of the synagogue, and starts preaching about Jesus?! Was it a trick, a ruse to definitively flush out all the believers present? They watch him for a while, trying to size up his demeanor and message. . . and then determine that Saul is sincere--he believes in Jesus! What a radical thing that has happened to this crusader of Judaism.

Luke says here that Saul's goal is "proving that Jesus is the Christ." That line just shouts to me--'proving that Jesus is the Christ'-- how did Saul do that? And, why did it matter? I believe that Saul proved Jesus by matching Old Testament prophecies to the evidence of how Jesus Christ had fulfilled each of them. This is where being a 'Hebrew of the Hebrews' as Saul called himself was of the utmost value--he knew what the prophets had written concerning the coming of the Messiah; and after he was personally confronted with the person of Jesus Christ on the Damascus road, he could speak to the assurance of Jesus as Messiah.

Why did it matter that Saul could prove that Jesus is the Christ, the one they had waited for, and why does it still matter today? Because there is no more important question for a person to answer than this: Who do you say that Jesus Christ is? Based on your answer, what are you going to do about it? How is Jesus different than all other religious leaders? Let's entertain these questions, as they are salient to a believing faith, and ultimately, form our basis for living.

In short, Jesus Christ is different than any other religious leader because He claimed to be God, the second Person of the trinity. His life backed up His claims--virgin birth, His working of the miraculous, perfect fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and His own resurrection from the dead, followed by more than 500 people seeing Jesus in the flesh. When you are sizing up another religion--finding that the people are such wholesome, moral people--family oriented, and great citizens. . . all of which might seem reason to join their religion, and 'get some o'that'. . . stop right there-- what does that religion teach/believe about Jesus Christ?

✈How about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)? They call themselves Christians, so doesn't that mean they believe the same thing Bible-believing Christians do? They say they are Christians. . . are they? You decide: Their most-highly revered book of holy writing is the Book of Mormon, written by Joseph Smith, who claimed that he was a god equal to Jesus. . . and Jesus? He was a brother of Satan, created by "Elohim" through sexual union with Mary, not that He has always been--the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1

✈Jehovah's Witnesses? With a name like that, surely they believe that Jesus was/is the Son of God. . .? They do not believe in a triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), nor do they believe that Jesus was divine, but rather a creation of Jehovah--an angel who existed first as Michael, then as the man Jesus, and now exists as Michael, the exalted angel. By the way, they believe that only 144,000 will be 'saved'--a number already hit--so, the only way anyone else has the chance to be saved is through good works.

❋To my thinking, salvation through good works in any religion is a deal-breaker, because it becomes arbitrary--just how many, and what kind of good works will suffice? And, how good do you have to be? What if you are 61% good, and 63% was the requirement--how do you know?

✈Finally, how about Islam? Recently, someone was trying to tell me how similar the Islamic fundamentals are to Christianity. . . really? ! Muslims believe there is one God--Allah. Muhammed is considered to be the ultimate prophet--above Jesus, Moses and others. Considering Jesus to be God is blasphemy, but they do believe that Jesus was a prophet. They do not believe Jesus was crucified or resurrected.

So, who do YOU say that Jesus Christ is? That is the question. And, what are you going to do about it? Christine (DiGiacomo)

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Comment by Theresa on June 17, 2009 at 8:22am
Christine, this is very helpful. God bless you!
Comment by Christine on June 9, 2009 at 10:08pm
Very cool, journeymanhd. . . how are you doing? I'm anxious to post the one I just wrote today--but then the lessons would be out of order--if you have a separate e-mail acct--shoot it to me, and I'll send it off to you.
God bless you. . . . .
Comment by journeyman on June 9, 2009 at 7:37pm
Right on Sister! I am listening.

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