All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have a book called the The School of Biblical Evangelism, published by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. I love Ray's stories about sharing the gospel and his wittiness. I'm still not a good studier but I want to learn more... to communicate like he does. he makes me want to be better at things like listening to other people, and talking to other people, and caring about other people. Oh, I do have my bible to read that gives me the insight I need but it doesn't stick with me for as long as it should. I yearn for the day when my faith will be completed. When my thoughts will be put together and be made whole, when I can be a help to people, not a hindrance. I want to know that I am doing right and doing right with confidence. I know that I live in the sight of God all day long, it is in Him that I have my strong foundation. My rock, and my strong tower. God is my hiding place.

Right now my own sense of God is very dim, as well as my sense of just about everything it is that we people sense. I am confused and I can't seem to find the right way to speak to the people around me anything at all about anything.

I feel like I've got no depth of character... no story to live or tell. Life isn't anything at all like it was when I was a kid. I was so active and alive and every single day was so full of new things to learn and do! Now they are not so much full. It's as if that inquisitiveness, that adventuresome exploring spirit in me is gone. I need revival, desperately.

My motivator to do things is all askew and I see myself as the most unpleasant and uninteresting person on the globe.
Ah, but I'm learning to enjoy the trumpet and to explore and experience music! I'm still a dimwit. I want to be a listener.

I need perspective.

I'm going for a walk.

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