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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Want to run away and hide...HELP!!!

My husband found a great church for us to go to and it's only 30 min away from our house. The sermons are great, the worship music is most uplifting, and the day care is willing to work with our unruly son. Great right? One ex and his family go there. I have seen them but so far they haven't seen me. Church is supposed to be a time to leave your problems at the altar and I'm terrified to go up there because I don't want him to know I'm there. He knew me when I wasn't at my best and i don't want him to air my dirty laundry when I'm trying to make my life better. This is a real set back for me in my walk and i need some encouragement and advice. I think if I continue to attend I'll be attending with a panic attack.

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Comment by Jeff Randall on July 2, 2009 at 6:10am
Good Morning Annie,
I think maybe your afraid of nothing. Depending on the Church most people would think of your past problems as your testimony that brought you to Christ. And if he does happen to say something embarrassing remind the Church of this...2Timothy 2:16 says " Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more ungodly". I also hold on to the great hope that the congregation of this Church would recognize gossip and label this man as a Hypocrite. After all to gossip is against God . I know far to well about shaded pasts and honestly if you are going to a truly grounded Christian based Church they will not look down on you because of your past but applaud you for the present and your future walk with the Lord. I hid my past at other Churches throughout the years and after contemplating it I felt like a hypocrite myself, its life experience, I have a degree based on my life experience so it really is nothing to be ashamed of. Ill be praying for you that the Father will guide you and protect you through this trial in your life, and it is a trial, think of it this way.......Is your faith being tested? If we throw an obstacle, will she run and hide or stand strong and fight. STAY STRONG!!!!!
Comment by Mary O on July 2, 2009 at 4:53am
Hi Annie,
Psalm 103 is a great place to read. God has forgiven us as far as the east is from the west. Do you know how far that is? Or how about "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I have a feeling you have a great testimony to give about God's forgiveness and how God can help a person turn their life around. Or, how the word of God changes a person. You don't do that old icky stuff anymore. Everyone has dirty laundry including your ex. Rise above your past. You are a new person in Christ Jesus. (Though our sins be as scarlet, we are made white as snow.)

I used to lay low and not share my past that much. Then I heard some of the goofy things people are beating themselves up for. (excuse the grammar please) My thoughts..."Is that all you ever did? Would you please tell God you're sorry and move on?" So, I began to say it. Pick yourself up. Tell God you're sorry. Move on and change. Don't do that stuff anymore. Repent! You see, so many people are looking for forgiveness.

God bless,
Mary O.
Comment by maggie hancox on July 2, 2009 at 3:41am
Annie, you can't run from yourself, or your past.

You are afraid of your dirty laundry being brought out into the open, I understand..But glory to your Father that you are no longer THAT person!!

What a wonderful testimony is that alone!
What kind of a story would it be if you had been wonderful.....

Our relationship with our Father is something you can't and do NOT want to run from, it is a call to be honest and truthful to yourself.
In your relationship with him there is nothing hidden.

I understand your panic attack fears, ironically this is something I am at this very time struggling with..a call to be honest, who I am, vulnerabilities and imperfections WARTS AND ALL...and all of it infront of my church!.it is scary!

There is nothing hidden from your Father and other people don't hold a candle to your Father, so their opinions are always second!! If not, often irrelevant.

As it is written in Romans 8 (forgot which verse) If God is for us, who then shall be against us.

Do you think it is by accident that your ex is there? Do you not believe that your Father has everything in hand for you, that he wants to make things work together for your good?

Also written Romans 8v28 All things work together for the good of those whom love him and are called according to his purpose.

I feel excited for you because I know that this thing you fear can be released, only by faith in your Father, only by giving it to him and submitting to him, and listening to his still quiet voice for guidance on what he wishes you to do.

What freedom you can have from this fear, if you'd only give it to your Father.

Seek first the kingdom of God and all this will be added unto you.

Learn of your Fathers ways, learn of the nature he wishes to grow in you, you will see changes over time and you will glorify is name.

He stands there as you face the fire, he does not put it out, nor does he steer you around it, but he stands in the centre, extending his hand to you and asking you to step into the fire with him.
Not to destroy you, but because then and only then can he walk you through the fire and proove to you that he will take care of you. then and only then can he reveal to you the magnitude of his love and his power in your life.
There are challenges, not all of them we will deal with well, but if we submit ourselves to him, learn of his ways. He will take these obstacles and in there place he will grow strength and joy in you.
Fear not for he is with you.

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