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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My summary of Acts 17.1-15 - The young missions team of Paul, Silas and Timothy traveled further into Europe--to Amphipolis and Apollonia, and on to Thessalonica--the bustling capital city of Macedonia, with about 200,000 in population. Paul again started preaching in the synagogue where a number of folks responded to the gospel, which riled up some of the Jews who chose not to believe. Their jealousy compelled them to go to the officials with the accusation that the missionaries were causing trouble, and teaching people that there was another king besides Caesar--a charge of treason at the time, a charge that the Roman officials would not ignore. The team slipped away to Berea, where the folks were a little more gracious. They not only received the gospel message, but also checked the Scriptures for themselves to see if what Paul said was true--that Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophecies about which they taught. Paul preached the truth of the gospel, and backed it up with persuasive proofs--a powerful combination. However, the good will was not to last in Berea either, because when the Thessalonians heard what was happening in Berea, they went there and set about agitating the crowds. Once again, Paul was hustled out of town, escorted safely by several men to Athens.

Good Day~

I would like to pause here and do some thinking together. . . because several thoughts washed over me as I studied this passage. Again I say, don't you wonder if Paul was talking to God, saying 'Now, come on--You led me to do Your work, and I'm doing the very best I know how--but everywhere I go, people take exception to the message, and it seems I'm either running or getting beaten up and thrown in jail!' Consider that it wasn't very long before that Paul had been a self-righteous, very pious, high-ranking Jew who hated Jesus-followers, when Jesus interrupted his travel on the Damascus Road. (Acts 9) The encounter served to turn Paul around 180 degrees, literally and spiritually--and soon after, Paul was the zealot who couldn't stop talking about that same Jesus, and how He had come to set men free from the Law. . . But given all that, I'm asking you--don't you think all the rejection and last-minute changes of plans and directions must have tested Paul sorely?

So, yeah, I've been thinking about the fiber of the extraordinary man, Paul. In order to do what he did, and keep on doing it, in spite of torturous beatings, being stoned and left for dead, being hated and chased, Paul had to have been totally surrendered to God--but more than that, he had to be totally surrendered to Jesus Christ, because it was through Jesus that new life came. And, he had to intentionally live in a state of surrender to live the life he courageously lived.

So, I ask myself, 'am I totally surrendered to Jesus?' Do I want live according to His will for me, or my own? Hmmm. . . I wish I could tell you how many times I've heard people say--especially men--"it is really hard for me to surrender myself totally to the Lord--I mean, I'm almost there, but not quite". In order to answer that question, you have to be able to stop and think, 'is there anything I think God might put a finger on, and say, 'lose that', or 'change that'?' If there is, and you haven't done it, then you are not totally surrendered, are you? I've been haggling with myself on the beach all day today as my youngest boy joined this huge group of kids at San Clemente Pier for Junior Lifeguards. I sat just far enough away, but close enough to see him too, 'cause I'm a mom, you know.

In order to entertain the notion of 'surrender', you have to know 'why' surrender would be plausible, a good idea, or even desirable. . .
We are talking about surrender to God. . .
➤why wouldn't you surrender to God? The only answer, I believe is
➤because you don't really trust Him. To which I say,
➤if you don't really trust Him, it is because you don't really understand very much about Him--
➤you have totally under-estimated God,
➤especially how wildly He loves you

So, I think some thinking and soul-searching is in order, my friends--unless you are okay with mediocrity in your life...
Would you surrender all of yourself to God? (Be totally honest with yourself) Journal your answers.
Why? Why not?

Do you fully trust God?

Do you entrust your will (or subjugate it) to Him?

What is your estimation of who God is?

What do you understand about His love for you?

What do these questions have to do with your willingness to surrender fully to God?

More tomorrow. . . I'm praying for you, Christine (DiGiacomo)

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