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Walking in the TRUTH, and walking in DECIET!

Im currently in a church where the pastor preaches "salvation thru grace and faith in CHRIST". You know as a new believer walking in the truth God has revealed something to me. That even preachers misinterpret The Word. So here is my story and I HOPE AND PRAY IT REACHES SOME OF YOUR HEARTS to pay attention to The Word of God and not the lips of men. Here goes... My pastor preaches that once you have accepted Christ as your personal savior, your sins automatically are forgiven at that moment... (I believe that. Why because its in The Word)... But then he goes on to say, all your sins are forgiven from the moment you are BORN till the moment you DIE in that instant! Wow that sounds great so even if i sin after the moment I was saved Im going to heaven! How WONDERFUL I THOUGHT! Little did I know God had other ideas. For 2 nights after the message i could'nt sleep. Its as if my Spirit was calling out to me! I researched online, I read the Bible and i just COULD NOT find the part from when I am BORN to when I DIE my sins are "thrown away" per say. I prayed and prayed and hoped in my heart i had misunderstood the message which my pastor had said. I asked God "PLEASE LORD LET ME BE WRONG" yet still my Spirit was restless. Finally after doing my own research and reading The Word and yes, after speaking to other pastors and speaking to my father, the Lord brought me to 1John chapters 1-4. Praise Him for his Word is never decieving! Summarizing it up (but i advise every believer to read it!) the whole thing is about us. New or old believers walking in Christ. It tells us how not the pastor, but the Holy Spirit will guide us if to what the pastor is saying is from him or from the Lord. Finally after reading those very crucial chapters I approached the pastor after his service a week later. I said pastor where in the Bible does it say that 1 part that you say? After much stammering and studderring he explained to me that he couldnt exactly remember where but that he would get back to me. After 1 hour of him showing me passages that had nothing to do with our topic I asked him again drawing him back to the main issue. I said Pastor I was Saved in your church, i honestly with all my heart can testify to that. (Then I continued to say) Being I was Saved, if I right now killed your wife, your kids, your grandkids and then shot myself in the temple and died right next to your bodies would I still make it to heaven? Yes he replied because the bible says ALL YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN! Ok I say to the Pastor Ive read that in the Word too, But where Pastor does it say from when I am BORN till when I DIE I am automatically forgiven for every sin even after i am Saved? I believe every thing you have told me, I have seen it with my 2 eyes, but just that one part, the part you cant show me I cant Find! The part that my Spirit is keeping me up at night (Which of course is The Holy Spirit telling me this part is not Gods Word) Finally after much exhaustion he looks me in my eye and says " you wont find it, but i can only show you principles. Principles- a basic truth, law, or assumption (Dictionary) Praise the Lord for his Word that is True! Even till now, after i showed the Pastor this "error" he still preaches the same thing. ANd YES i still attend his church. Why? Because God showed me the Pastor serves him well, and his intentions weren"t to mislead others, he just being a MERE man misinterprets things, that HE BELIEVES the Bible is saying. You can go to many different churches,and find many diffrences and all the Pastors will tell you they are so right and read scriptures to back up there "principles. But Let me proudly say to you ALL, that the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of TRUTH will lead you into The Word of God, and not into the WORD of MAN! - Amen I say! So I ask if anyone reads this who truly believes in the Lord and not in the Words of men, pray right now that the Holy Spirit guides you and not the words and principles of a man. Amen again, and I pray Father that anyone who reads this that it touches their heart and you let them know that your Word is TRUE and only through the Holy Spirit can we understand such Words Of WISDOM! In JESUS name I pray AMEN!!! Feel free to Post to this Blog or email me @

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Comment by felixpadua on May 11, 2009 at 7:24pm
terry, what do you mean when you encourage someone to Be a Berean? what is a berean?

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