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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



It has been said that 65%-75% of those in this country consider themselve's to be Christian's, but i wonder if thats what we see when we are out there amoung the masses? I know many people who call themselve's Christian's, and i know they do so rightfully. Everything about them almost scream's "Christian". I can tell that they strongly believe in the Lord simply by the way they live their live's.

For example ....i see how they interact with other's, and i can litterally see the holy spirit working through them in simple way's. They are always uplifting and kind and always looking into how they can be of help to all those who they come in contact with. You can watch how they respond to someone, and literally see inside their heart's, and know that they have the purest of motive's. You could say that they live their Christian Walk out loud.

They"Walk the Walk", .so to say.

Then there are other's that i know who call themselve's "Christian's". They go to church, and they sing along with the hymn's, and they put money into the offering plate when it come's around, and yet when you watch them outside of the church see a whole different picture.

For example: Their demeanor and the way they interact with other's is totally contrary to the way that Christ would have them to be. Many are very jaded toward's actually following the will of GOD for their live's. This is very evident by some of the thing's they have habbit of doing. You can also sence something missing in them when you come in contact with them. When a true follower of Christ come's in contact with one who claim's to be a follower themselve's, and in all actuality is not, it is very noticable to the true follower.

However, even worse than this, it is also very evident to the ungodly.

So when you say that you are a "Christ follower". Do those who see you and talk with you see what you are claiming to be, or are they only seeing something they are already use to seeing? Themsleve's with a different title on it? We must alway's remember that GOD demand's that His children be a light unto this world, by reaching out to the lost. By being the shining example of GOD we are called to be. The salt of this world. By spreading His word throughtout this un-GODLY world so that it may sting their very heart's and lead them to repentance. GOD demands that HIS children be HOLY for HE is HOLY.....

Now, it is getting harder and harder to find those who will listen to the word of GOD , but let us not grow weary in well doing brother's and sister's, and alway's remember that if we are going to talk the talk ....Then by all mean's......"WE MUST WALK THE WALK" We may be all the Jesus some will ever see.

Your Brother and Fellow Servant in Christ Jesus,

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