All About GOD

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What is your vision, what sort of vision should we have ==
What is a right vision and what is a right vision for a child of God were all his kids.
Proverbs 29 v18 declares without a vision the people perish the NIV states without a revelation we will perish my interpretation.
Revelation = who are we in Christ What does Gods word say.
Coming from a family steeped in generational abuse revelation had to come into my life from God to set me free.
My vision of me was a weak feeble person I constantly sought to manipulate others into fighting those I considered I was too weak to deal with to drag others into my battles. In reality I can do all things through Christ the anointed one and his anointing. TRUTH
The world tells us to continually go to counseling to feel better. But if we continually focus on the abuse done to us that is our vision and so we fulfill the vision and continue to abuse and be abused and to go in circles in life and make the councilors busy.
On my Dads side of the family they came from France originally and in the reformation the French Catholics came and took all their land and did terrible things and they fled for their lives. But as each generation has passed these things down and they went into witchcraft to get even so abuse has reigned in the family vision wrong sowing and reaping lost generations.
My mums side was similar wealthy jewelers they were robbed of the lot didn’t forgive went to a local coven cursed those who did it and ever since ritual abuse reigned == vision wrong sowing and reaping lost generations
If we were abused by a woman unless we come to a point of forgiving we see every woman through tainted glasses. If a man abused us in our life we will see all men the same.
If our ancestors were abused, taken advantage of and we focus continually on that abuse then abuse will manifest itself in our homes and keep us in bondage. In Mathew 18 v21 we read of the unmerciful servant who asked God to forgive him and then went out and got stuck into his fellow servant --- He was handed over to the tormentors every time we say the Lords prayer and ask to forgive us and then hold bitterness against our fellow man we hand ourselves over to the tormentors. It might not seem fair to us but that’s the way it works with God
The church is full of people who have a wrong vision. The church is full of offense those who have been offended vision offense unforgiveness and they in turn go on to cause offense to many.
What our vision is “we become” its simple if we fail to forgive those who have hurt us in anyway and we hold onto that hurt we become exactly like the one or one’s that have hurt us.
When we first begin a process of healing its normal to spend time in tears. For years it was impossible for me to cry but one day the dam broke. In psalm 30 v5 we read weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning yippee it comes when we follow the directions in the manufacturer’s handbook the bible.
Later on in psalm 30 v 11 states YOU that’s God turned my mourning into dancing I mourned for years over my lost robbed childhood but he has turned my mourning into dancing now.
In I Corinthians 6 =9 Gods word says and such were some of you they had been all sorts of things even abusers and gay but he states there now ye are washed clean sanctified justified in Christ.
Paul the apostle here is telling them who they are in God –VISION! They weren’t those other things anymore. We may still be weak in those areas and need to confess with our mouths each day that God says we are not what the devil says we are.
In Philippians 4 v 8 we are told to think on “VISION” whatever is true noble pure lovely admirable excellent praiseworthy and the peace of God will be with us. In Colossians we read we are seated in heavenly places in Christ far above all principalities but to be in that place live it we must be clean
We will have days when its hard to stay focused we may slip we all do but we come back confess our sin and keep on declaring out load who God says we are

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Comment by MaryAnn on July 14, 2009 at 6:03am
Hi bro Mike. He has an amazing plan for all of us. I pray we continuously pray and worship our Creator, and ask Him to show us His vision for our life...where He is we can participate and support the lives He brings us into contact with. What a privilege!

Sis. MaryAnn
Comment by Shadrack Mulei Metho on March 31, 2009 at 1:34pm
Am glad to have such a wonderful family i love your testimony and vision keep the fire burning hope one day we will meet more in heaven with the golden crown. did you know that most the Christians are like king Asa in old testament he lived for better part of his live pleasing God but forgot one thing when he was sick that to trust God only instead trusted physicians. We do not finish the race and that is what the devil is looking for lets work our salvation with fear and trembling .

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