All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

True SALVATION = Rebirth + Sanctification

Responding to blankkk's blog on:

"Why I don't believe in the one prayer"

Hi Sister,
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ! May Mercy, Grace and Peace be yours as I write and hope that your inner-shouts and cry-out of anger, frustration and injustice has been directed towards God, for only He can provide you and all of us- AN ANSWER! Amen!

First, I must praise you for a great personal blog-site, done-up with great worship songs and marvelous graphics. I loved it!

Something I did when I'm feeling down: Try writing down your every frustration, anger, sense of injustice, sorrow and any negative things happening around you (affecting you and or your family member(s)) that really bothered you, and attention it to God. For you'll be surprise that in it, you'll find God's perspective (as you seek and pray) the moment- all these are committed to Him, casting them down at His feet.

I like to quote you a great example (for us all) you can find in the Bible- Book of Job (has been called "the most profound and literary work of the entire Old Testament"). We Christians (some unfortunately, are friends just like yours and mine) may even be Job's inner-circle of FRIENDS who came to specially be with him and to mourn with him and to comfort him during his tragedy (even though they kept silence until Job spoke to them), are usually his most cruel, unkind, unsympathetic (even though they appeared to be nice and polite, based-on the Jewish custom back then), and totally does nothing to encourage him at all!

I came from a Christian family, and received Christ at an age of 16+. I too (and my whole family) experienced many disappointments, discouragement and accusations as reflected in your blog aboved . . . and many a times, it came NOT from outside the church, but from the church that we faithfully attended and being a member of it. At one point, we left this church "for good" (my whole family being young Christians- 6 of us), knowing that those hurting words were spoken against my dad from the leadership of the church- Senior pastor himself!

Periodically, I still remember this incident and question (some years ago, but not any longer):
1. Was it a wrong thing my dad does that causes the pastor of this church to say something as unkind and unthoughtful as "We don't need your guideline and opinion as a professional accountant, because as a senior pastor of this church, I represent the board and the council, so you better change those figures and do what a Christian got to do!".

2. If so, what was wrong even when my dad (being a church accountact does the right and ethical way of submitting the church's auditing for tax to the government when he knew well that this is only a legal and right thing to do?! So why does a church need to "cover-up?"
Aren't we to respect and to submit to authority? Why did this pastor instructed my dad to "change the figure" for some so-called "excusable income?" I asked my dad: "Where in the world is the body of Christ?" Aren't there at least someone in the council or leadership in ministry say something? I considered my dad (if you know him), is a thoughtful man of few words and with lots of integrity and wisdom.

So that's how my family decided to "take our stand" leave this church for good as there are practically no-one to stand-up and say something on this issue.

Until God showed us that when we "pinned" our hope and faith in men or in any so-called academy, we will inevitably loose all our hope one day, because the hearts of men changes tremendously, and ONLY GOD remains the same yesterday, today and forever!

I remember this favourite quote taken from Ray Stedman's book: God's Loving Word - Exploring the gospel of John . . .

"Sanctified for God's Use"

17:17-19 "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly

"Sanctify" is a religious-sounding word that many people misunderstand. Some people think of it as involving a kind of a religious fumigation where all evil is somehow cleansed from our lives. Some have actually believed that after they have gone through
"sanctification," they now were incapable of sinning. But what does "sanctification" mean, according to God's Word? It means to separate or set apart a person or object for a specific purpose and to use it for that intended purpose. In a secular sense, I sanctify my comb when I comb my hair--that is, I use my comb for its intended purpose.

When we talk about people being "sanctified," the principle is exactly the same. We are sanctified people when we are put to our intended use, when we are set apart for our specific, intended purpose. And what purpose were we intended for? What purpose did God have in mind when He made you and me? He made us to be used as instruments of His will. He made us to be miniature manifestations of His character.

When we abuse our bodies with drugs or overeating, or when we fill

our minds with impure entertainment, or when we misuse our sexuality, or when

we give vent to rage or filthy language, or when we take advantage of other

people with unscrupulous business practices--then we are not putting ourselves

to the use that God intended. We are not being sanctified. But when we

determine to commit ourselves--body, mind, and soul--to Gods service, then that

is sanctification. In this passage, our Lord prays that these eleven men will

be personally, willingly committed to the work of being used by God.

What's more, He Himself is their model for sanctification. "As you sent me into the world," He says, "I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified." He was sent into a dangerous and broken world to live among hurting, broken people--and now He sends His disciples out into that same dangerous and broken world to carry on His work. And He has exemplified true sanctification for their sakes, so that they will follow his example and sanctify themselves for God's use.

My point is: Jesus came to His own, yet His own DID NOT receive him, and yet they mocked Him, mistrust Him and mistreated Him. How much more for believers like us? And because He knows what will happen (to the fellowship of the believers- with one another) after He is back to be with God the Father, He specifically said this prayer for ALL BELIEVERS:

(In the closing section of His prayer, Jesus reaches out to embrace all believers
of all time, including you and me. . .)

[John 17:20-23] "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."

Notice the inclusiveness of these words. Jesus says, in effect, "I do not pray only for these eleven men, but for everyone who will ever believe in me through their word." This prayer encompasses literally millions and millions of believers down through the ages, including you and me. And the primary thrust of this prayer is that we all may be one, unified in Christ.

Around the world, we meet people with different languages, different cultures,
different skin colors than ours, yet the minute we meet, I know they are my brothers and sisters, and that we share a profound inner reality through Jesus Christ. That is the unity for which our Lord prays.
He is not speaking of an outward union, of institutional or organizational bonds, or of ecumenism. He is talking about the unique quality of life which is in each of us as believers--a life that comes through the Holy Spirit.

Notice that the focus of this unity is love: "May they be brought to complete unity," says Jesus, "to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." When we love one another, that love produces the unity God desires, and it is that loving unity which witnesses to the world.

I will summarize what I had been saying: Salvation is like a coin. In that it has two-sides. On one-side is justification, and the other is rebirth. If we look at just one side, it looks as though this is all there is to salvation. Let us go a little further with this metaphor- if salvation is like two side of a coin (justification and rebirth), which is the head and which is the tail?

When humanity fell as a result of original sin, there were two problems faced by humans: the first was guilt, and the second was internal decay. A human being who commits sin MUST pay the penalty for sin, it is necessary for people to be free from bondage of sin. The original sin caused theses two problems, guilt and internal decay. Salvation resolved these two problems. Therefore, there are two elements that are needed for human beings to receive salvation- rebirth and justification.

In ending, we have heard two truths so far: "A person who is born again cannot sin" and "A person who is born again can sin, and in that case MUST confess his sin." What is the exact standard? This is THE STANDARD:

"For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace."
[Rom 6:14]

At times, many born again Christians commit sin. However, sin cannot dominate them for they will regret what they have done, confess their sins and then they will obey God again. If you are that kind of a person, you are definitely born again. There is something we must understand in order to accurately examine ourselves- that is, the changes in our life after being born again occur not after a long time has passed, but right after our NEW BIRTH.

To God be the glory!

P.S. I just added you as my friend . . . ;-)

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Comment by Joleen on April 25, 2010 at 10:47pm
I mentioned my depession because sometimes it gets so bad I cant think much less pray.
Comment by Joleen on April 25, 2010 at 10:42pm
Hi , Good to hear from you. Im online was going to read and try to learn but am unfocused yet again. I want to thank you for your biblical knowledge. You mentioned that """"No one (well almost) would bother to pray for your loved-ones if the head of the household don't uphold them in prayer. """ Wow, this is true Im sure but scary for me at the same time. I get depressed a lot I mean a lot and have fought depression on and off for years. I am just recently being trusting enough to reach out for prayer request for my children and grand children. Are you saying that people wouldnt pray only if the head is praying? If so then what about the peoples children who dont have parents who are seeking God? Forgive me if I sound stupid but really I am so slow at comprehending. I know I need to try to focus on my not being able to focus. I need to eat right I guess. I still plan on rereading all you wrote below so to leanr but it will take me time. Thanks again for writing and being here on AAG.... Janie
Comment by Peter TAN on April 25, 2010 at 10:22pm
Hello Sister, It's a pleasure to read about your desire to draw near to God through songs of praise! So uplifting isn't it?! Your voice- It's your best instrument when you draw near to God, no matter how you sound like. It's you and your voice that God is interested! As for me, I just hope to be an encouragement to fellow brothers and sisters here at All About, and my contribution are really insignificant here. I realized that it's all by the grace of God alone! I just thank God that I can be as close to Him (here at this blog page) as I am with myself. And so, I visited this site daily as I would for my facebook blog.

Last but not least, I just want to say that: "No one (well almost) would bother to pray for your loved-ones if the head of the household don't uphold them in prayer." Just see Job (in the great Hall of Faith) in Job 1:4-5. What was one of Job's greatest concerns? He was greatly concerned about the spiritual welfare of his children. And rightly so, he daily committed his wife and children into the hands of God. Isn't this such an example for the man of the family or what? And when Joshua said: "As for ME and MY household, WE will serve the Lord!" [Joshua 24:15]. He did what was right- by daily committing his family to God, and as being a general of the Israelites Army of God. Being a grandmother yourself, it must have been such a journey for you and family. Whether you are a strong believer of not, I think it's impressive having to walk this journey of faith, for you shall surely grow wiser in the Lord as you draw closer to Him each day... To God be the glory! :-)
Comment by Joleen on April 23, 2010 at 2:32pm
I just read your first few sentences and feel like crying. Your wife and child are so blessed to have a praying husband and dad. I cant even imagine what that would be like. You are blessed too with your family and your wife leading you to the Lord. I am very grateful that you are sharing with me your struggles that you had with backsliding. I listened to the video "Once Again" I liked it I will play it again when my grand children get home. I want them to learn songs to sing like this. I hope to hear from you again .. I am very glad you write and am reading every word with interest so please know that. Hopefully I can respond better in time. Thanks again for you caring for me and seeming to understand my struggles with christianity/backsliding. .. .have a great weekend , Janie
Comment by Peter TAN on April 22, 2010 at 11:24pm
Hello Sister Janie,
Now I know your name! Thanks for your compliment! Yes, aren't they lovely?! I prayed for them every night as I kneel down on our bed (when they're fast asleep) before I retire for the day, and thank God for giving them to me . . .

So glad to read this reply from you, and I must say you are on the "right-track" towards God even though you're having some depression, you came to the right place (the wider Body of Christ) to have fellowship with the "children of God" and not just those that are from the world, or are yet to know Christ.

I just want you to know that I had been a backslider myself some 10-year ago ('2000), when my career and relationship (was at the peak) came crashing down in just ONE WEEK! Amazing! Again (as I mentioned in my blog), I was forced to look at life really hard on the face and being alone (deep in my aching-heart and also hurting God for having left Him, and being a prodigal son, I chose to run my own life without Him, but then I realized that He NEVER leave me alone), thinking deeply and in-tears of all that has happened to me, I broke down and confess my sins, asked Him for forgiveness and start to do all sorts of things a Christian would do, except going to church until I met my wife, who was then my girlfriend. I went with her on the faithful X'mas nite through her invitation, and when the song began in the worship, I was all tears, and my throat was so parched that I can't speak and sing. And at that moment, and I knew it's the LOVE of God flowing into my life once again. I will always remember this lyrics from Once Again: ". . . once again I thank You, once again I pour-out my life . . ." (see:

So sister! When we leave His presence (backsliding) we'll NEVER know how much Christ went through just because of His love for you & me! Many times, we are like the prodigal son who left home and squandered all that we think we have and are capable of handling anything in the world, then and only at that moment, we realized that we are worst than our Father's servant (ref the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32). Again, the story end with a RETURNING son, followed by a FEAST & CELEBRATION that the Father throw for the son. In actual fact, this is what happen in the spiritual domain (God and angels of the heavenly host) when a believer RETURNED to the Lord God, and when a NEW BELIEVER has entered into the Kingdom of God when he or she believed and accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!

So sister! Please continue to share with me your thoughts, story and meditations, and I'm sure God is also reading and listening to you & me even as we communicate because we included Him in our Blog- The Name Aboved Every Other Name- the Name of JESUS!

Please RETURN to CHRIST, and your depression will be gone in Jesus' Name! Amen!
I'm waiting to hear from you! ;-)

To God be the glory ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Comment by Joleen on April 22, 2010 at 8:33pm
Hello Peter Tan,
Thank you for caring to write me even after reading such crazy blog as I wrote. Also thank you for sharing with me the hurts your family went through because of the leaders of the church. That had to have been very hard for all of you especially your dad. I read this blog twice today and will read it again. I am very slow in comprehension. I am glad you talked about Santification I need to study that again. I am not saved I dont know if I mentioned that in my blog. I am a backslider and have been for years. I want to come back but then I dont I dont know how too right just yet. Thank you for your comment on my page and music. I love it too.. Carla did it all for me. Peter Tan I am very grateful to the things you have taking the time to tell me and I will try to grasp it all. I am battling depression on and off and focusing is sometimes difficult. Even when Im not depressed. Oh thank you for your friend request. Sometime in the next few days I am going to try to read each of the paragraphs here and then right my thoughts on another window so then maybe I can let you know my thoughts on what you wrote better. Thank you again .. Oh I like your page too and had looked at some of the books you recommended. Your wife and daughter are beautiful :-) ..Janie

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