True Empowerment. Matthew 4.1-11
After resisting the tempter’s final snare, (recorded in Matthew 4), the angels came to minister to Jesus’ physical needs, which were great, after 40 days of fasting and living in the rugged wilderness. Before leaving this passage, we note two things about how the Lord Jesus handled great temptation:
1) He countered with Scripture.
2) He did what his brother James would later tell believers to do:
~Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.1
Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan!”
These tools are so valuable for you and me today. The power of Scripture to change our lives, to change our attitudes and outlooks, we oft underestimate:
>‘Discouragement besetting you, Friend? I think of the verse, ‘Why so downcast, O my soul? Put your trust in God.’2
>Worry about the morrow? ‘Do not worry about tomorrow, for it has cares enough of its own. Seek first the kingdom of God.’3
>‘Loneliness engulfing you? There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.4
When I was in the sixth grade, I attended a four-room grammar school in the Bay Area. No kidding—grades one through eight in four classrooms. It was a little Christian school that had been founded by Christian Reformed parents (most first generation from Holland after the war), to give their children careful instruction. We had singing time to start the day with my homeroom teacher, Mr. Bakker. Contemporary Christian music was just emerging—early songs like ‘He’s Everything to Me’, (my favorite), ‘Pass it On’, etc. I played the old upright piano for the class to sing along, and diligently practiced at home so that I would not mess up in front of my peers. All these forty-something years later, the lines of one particular song continue to replay in my mind, and they are so apropos in our loneliness, discouragement, fear or anxiety—reach out to Jesus, he’s reaching out to you!
>‘Wondering why you’re here? God has plans to give you a hope and a future—your very purpose.5
>‘Casting about in your relationship with God? When you seek him with all your heart, he will be found by you.6
>‘Temptation threatening to overtake you? Jesus was tempted in every way like you, and yet resisted.7 He understands, and he will give you strength. ‘Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.’8
These are Bible verses that give us strength and life and hope and power, because they are truth, given to us from God. As for resisting the devil? Well, if you have been a subscriber to these Morning Briefings for any length of time, you will know that I am not one of those who sees a demon around every bush or the handprint of the devil either; I do not believe that we are constantly involved in all out spiritual warfare. That simply gives Satan far too much power and play in our minds.
I remember a young lady, a senior at San Clemente High School, who easily flung around the line, ‘I’m under such attack right now.’ I challenged her by saying, ‘Maybe you’re not under attack at all, maybe you’re just experiencing life with its pressures and ups-and-downs. Could that be?’ Her eyes narrowed as she didn’t care for my remark. I pressed on, ‘How are you stepping out for God right now? That would give the evil one a reason to try to deter you.’ ‘Well, uh …’ and she couldn’t really say.
Here’s the thing: the devil really doesn’t need to waste any energy on you if you’re a non factor. However, if you have stepped out in obedience to what you believe God has called you to do—could be giving of tithe or offering, could be speaking to someone about God, or going to church, or any number of things that would honor God, well then maybe there is reason for a high speed bump or roadblock to be put in your path.
You see, there have been times, when I knew he was at work to dissuade me from the course to which God had set my feet. The timing was telling, and my awareness of such was critical! It is then that I dug my heels into God’s promises and held onto Jesus, and said what Jesus said to the old snake, “Go away, Satan!” Today, I also add five words that would have been unnecessary for Jesus to say: ‘In the name of Jesus, go away, Satan.’ Do not underestimate the power of those words.
Empowerment. It has been talked about since the emancipation of the slaves, the suffrage movement, civil rights movement, women’s movement, etc. … but there is no greater empowerment than spiritual empowerment, given to us by the Holy Spirit, apprehended in the name of Jesus. And now, we’re ready to launch into Jesus’ ministry. Up, up, and away!
1 – James 4.7
2 – Psalm 43.5
3 – Matthew 6.34,33
4 – Proverbs 18.24
5 – Jeremiah 29.11
6 – Jeremiah 29.13; 7 – 1 John 4.4
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