All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

This one thing could change your entire day, yet it is so simple that many people miss it.

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there. Mark 1:35

It is important to spend time with the Lord first thing before doing anything else that day. This time we spend with the Father will give you the direction you need to avoid any pitfalls from the enemy, direction on what you need to do, and even show you how to prosper in him.

This time that we spend with our Lord is how we get our daily orders. It is also how we learn to have a relationship with Him. How would you feel if your spouse or friend made everything else the priority before you? You probably wouldn't have much of a relationship. When we spend time with the Lord "first thing" we are giving Him the priority. We are also trusting Him to guide us and teach us what we need to know and how to walk out the day ahead. I know personally that on the days where I have allowed something to get in the way of my God time, I am not as productive plus I don’t go into the day being centered and knowing what the Lord wants. I don’t feel as connected with Him and that affects my whole day. There is such a difference between the days that I do spend that time with the Lord and the days I don’t. It is so much so that I try to never miss that time with Him.

This is especially important if you are trying to learn how to hear the voice of the Lord. Spending this quiet time when you first wake up will be the easiest time for you to concentrate on what the Lord is trying to tell you before all the cares of the world and the day get in. Try spending One hour each morning when you get up with the Lord. Have coffee or tea with Him and let Him begin to teach you through His word. As you do this each day you will begin to feel His presence more and more. You will also begin to clearly hear Him and what he has for you.


May the Lord Bless you this day.

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