All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I just bought a new book by Gregory A. Boyd titled "The Myth of a Christian Nation". Gregory is well educated and has written many books on the subjects of Christ and Theology.
My problem with this book is this:
1. The book has a total of 9 chapters 189 pages total. So for the most part it is a small book.

2. The subject of this book is to explain to all of us why he thinks politics and the Church shouldn't be mixed. As in the church should not indorse any political party. I agree....

3. After reading the first few chapters I got the sense he was repeating the same topics as earlier chapters.

Mr. Boyd reasoning for not supporting any political agenda is the the church cannot satisfy all scripture with only the left or the right. What I mean is, during the presidential elections one runner might support stem cell research, christians do not. So the church shouldn't.
The other runner might supports the ban on abortions. Christians dont believe in abortions. So the church should support the ban also.

Here is my point. Politicians and government groups should not argue these issues at all. They should worry about political things like budget's and such.

I could have written this book with only one small chapter, no....a paragraph, yes one paragraph.

If the people of the world would go to Gods book, All the answerers are right their! Abortions are wrong based on scripture. Therefore! nothing to debate.

Same sex marriage? Wrong by the book. Again, nothing to debate!

There you have it. Based on my faith in the lord Jesus Christ all of those questions were taken care of. Politicians need not impose on the church and the church should not look to the government to solve these problems we experience in this stage of the world.
I think if the church has to go to great lengths to prove to their congregations which one they support, they need to look at the strength of their faith!
The church need not look to anything but the book for what's right and what's wrong!
The world would be better if we all worked to be better disciples of Christ........

I feel better :-)

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Comment by Todd Mathews on May 24, 2009 at 10:14am
Amen Bro, u r preachin to the choir and I say that I agree. My wife, Susan, thinks you are upset over wasting the bucks on a bad book. I kinda have to agree. I would be angry if I spent good money on something so silly myself. If everyone would just look to the original book, there would be less confusion and strife over such subjects. God bless, brother.
Comment by Ginnybee on May 23, 2009 at 9:15pm
nice idea ;-)
Comment by Pastor Bob B on May 23, 2009 at 5:40pm
David, thanks for sharing, there are so many people that reject Christ because of what many have attached Him to such as a political party. We should know by now that politics are not the answer for any nation.

We must spend our time and energy on reaching the lost with the gospel. People becoming born again by the Spirit of God is how a nation is changed. Most of the political issues are no issue once Jesus becomes the Lord of a persons life and they begin to live by the living Word of God.

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