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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

                                                            Stephen Simmons 2-24,2011

Anberlin - The Unwinding Cable Car -( the first song he shared w me almost 5 yrs ago) We spoke almost every day;...This humble man really walked the walk & talked the talk, he was my rt arm, he'd always say "prayers are ascending hon" as we spoke, and end with GBU; his life was anything but ordinary; always optimistic, and made you feel as though you were the one giving him inspiration and hope,


 Dearest Ramona & Pixie, and some of my other friends who knew Stephen; & those who didnot; this is my dedication from us musketeers; to a great friend of ours who's touched the lives of so many more,...

This is a small reminder for us all that life is a fragile thing, and each day is a gift freely given to us, and we should cherish each day as if it were our last.  To Show Love & compassion to others, no matter how rushed we may feel, because it may just be our last with those we care about the most.... Stephen knew this, and lived it!!!
  I hope I do him justice, his was a life shared with love and commitment to the heavenly Father,  A Devoted dad to his children & friends; always concerned for others over himself; a selfless, Best Friend, a great man and a true prince who walked amongst the kings & leaders of today. 

If only the world had more men like you Stephen it would be a better place indeed....
The 4 musketeers are down to 3 now; You will be Sorely Missed Sweetheart; but what a reunion awaits us all in heaven!`
 You have your wings now Dear Stephen, Mr. rotten,...;)  (you were anything but!~)
 GBU my Dear Friends, Hugs & Love Always!~,
         "Prayers already ascending hon"
Ms rotten



 Its been rough I admit; But I know he's in the best place possible, and I shall keep on the Fathers paths as I should,

 I cant wait for the reunion!~ Father is giving  me peace, and comfort; its just the earthly side thats having a harder time letting go, if only for a short while;.... Stephen is Sorely missed, but loved Eternally, and you cant get much better than that,...;)
 Hugs, and His Love Always,

 I recieved a phone call, the night he passed; it was a frail hello, and I said hello back and then the message ended in silence, I will believe it was Stephens way of saying goodbye, and I'm sure he will be waiting there for a hug when my time comes,...

 Love you my Friends, and GBU!~


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Comment by swtswan on March 4, 2011 at 7:09pm

Thank you my Dear Sweet Sister & Brother; it is getting better; day by day; I still have some of his wisdom in saved files, to look back on, and I remember his soft dear voice the few times we talked on the phone; he was a great man, so devoted to the Father; mant deep discussions Shah,... good memories....;) and Pixie & Ramona are handling it much better also; his grandson was due about two days ago, and I'm sure he is smiling down from heaven, and prayers continuing for all, Gods Blessings,

 Love & Hugs,


Comment by David Velasquez on March 2, 2011 at 12:40pm
My Lord confort you with his confort, so you can confort others. Love to you my friend and sis.
Comment by swtswan on March 1, 2011 at 11:44am

The Holy Spirit knew what a great man he was, and helped me find the words, and videos; A friend told me not to be sad, because God has a more important mission ahead for Stephen; and I believe this is true....

 He grew up with only mom who told him he was a special little boy because he had a heavenly Father who loved him and would never leave him. I heard he may have had a heart attack, but I believe Stephens heart only grew bigger!,...;)


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