On March 1st, I marked my four year move from California to North Carolina. Very frankly, I had no idea just how big a move that really was! It was not just the thousands of miles, it was moving from the surf/beach culture to the 'South'. How does one capture such a thing? Perhaps through the vernacular shift--from 'Dude' being the catch-all pronoun for my Southern California neighbors to "y'all.' Now that I think of it, that is the perfect explanation of the great difference.
But here's the thing - I just can't bring myself to say 'y'all' - but it does make me laugh to say 'all y'all'. So THIS, is for 'all y'all.'
Life is way too short not to meet new people every day - whether at the gym, the market, or Hobby Lobby. We were not speaking too long today -- about life, things going on in the world, and the Spring-y decor we were holding in our hands, when she asked what I ‘do’. When I told her, she said, ‘Oh, so you must pray a lot.’ I smiled, nodded and turned to look at her, ‘Yes, I guess I do. I spend time praying first thing in the morning, but then I pray throughout my day.’
Then I made a point of looking her in the eye and said, ‘I just wonder what in the world people do when they do not have prayer, when they do not have God in their lives.’ And yes, I was kinda fishing for a response, so we could talk about the Lord, but she said, ‘Oh yes, a higher power is definitely helpful today.’
Friend the fact is, we truly need God today--we need Him in our lives. And sometimes a little borrowed creAtivity may be in order. So, here is a prayer you might be able to use, a take off on the prayer Jesus taught his disciples:
Dear Heavenly Father,
As I stop to focus and I pray, I look to you. Honestly, I know I really need you, but sometimes I do not even know what to say to you or how to start. Guess I will just start with the Lord's Prayer… ‘that be okay with you, Lord?
Our Father who art… Ah yes, Father in Heaven, loving father that you are--
Hallowed be your name … Lord, your name is holy--it is beautiful, beyond any name I know here on earth. I just want to connect with you today, God, because I know that you are big, you are good, you are great and your name is all powerful. I need you in my life--even when I go about my daily life as though I don’t.
Thy kingdom come …It is clear this world isn’t going to last forever, and You are going to have your say, you are going to have your way, and so I say even
now, ‘Come, Lord Jesus! Draw people to yourself, just as you have been doing on the campuses of Ohio State University, Auburn University, Florida State...Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Cru.'1
Your will be done - You sure will do a better job than we are doing now, Lord--in governments, war-torn countries, areas where fellow believers are being persecuted. Lord, may your will be done in our families, schools and businesses.
On earth as it is in heaven - God, turn peoples’ hearts toward you and for good toward one another. Stop evil men in their tracks, Lord God, as only you can do.
Give us this day our daily bread - for those who need food, water or shelter, we pray. I surrender my will to yours, that I might receive from you this day what I need to live my best for you. [For each who is praying, perhaps the daily need looks a little different--some need strength, others financial help, still others love, peace, joy, assurance, hope, purpose . . . give to each of us what we need, I pray Thee]
Would you grant us your wisdom and blessing?
Would you speak to us in ways we can hear from You?
Personally, I lift up those I know who need Your healing: ____, _____, _____, _____
I ask you to draw my family members to yourself...____, ____, ____, ____... Lord! Step into their paths just like you stepped into the apostle Paul's
so they will see that You are God, the Source of all Truth, so that they will see their desperate need for you.
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors - Lord, please forgive me of my sins…foolish words spoken; bitter, unforgiving thoughts, things I ought
have done, but did not - things you prompted me to do, but I ignored. And
then remind me that in order to be forgiven, I must forgive those who have hurt me.
Lord, I have need of Your hand in my life; I am not as strong or loving or peaceful as I ought be. Thank you for being interested in everything I even think about! Thank you for your generous gifts starting with creation ... the skies, birds, ocean, mountains, tall trees, flowers, children, silkie chickens, dogs . . . I thank you, Lord, for hearing this prayer.
It is in your mighty name I pray all of these things,
"May He give us a large and strong heart to believe what mighty influence our prayers can exert."2
Christine 'listen? The Prayer -
Luke, #44
1 - Major Revival Breaking Out...
2 - In the School of Prayer, Andrew Murray, 1865..
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