All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Relationship - By Natalie Grobler

The Relationship

You see him for the first time and are absolutely taken aback with his beauty. You feel shy and can’t really talk to him. When he looks at you, you blush and turn away.

As time moves on you get to know him. Oh how you love him. You are in love. He makes you feel good. You can’t wait to hear his voice everyday and can hardly wait to go to his home over the weekend. Neither can he wait to see and talk to you. He likes you a lot and he loved you from the start even though you were silly, argumentative, shy and oh so very independent.

He still loves you despite all the flaws that you see in yourself. You’re still in love…there’s a difference between in love and love…did you know that? Well he’s totally mad about you…he loves every aspect of your silly little being. You’re in love and will claw your way through a crowd if you hear him calling.

Time moves on. You grow as people. You grow in your relationship. The in love feeling you felt is turning slowly but surly in to utter adoring love for him. You are strong together. You feel on top of the world when you are with him.

As your relationship grows you move onto marriage and are connected for eternity. You grow together, love together, and cry together…

Sometimes you feel like screaming at him. You rebel against him, scream at him, hate him (sometimes..). You even tell him to get out of your life. But he never does…he loves you too much and sticks it out through all your mood swings and you always come back and say sorry…

He always forgives you and you move past the speed bump and grow to full maturity. Unwavering love binds your souls and you end up loving him more and more everyday.

This is the relationship that God wants to have with you! He wants to be your partner in life and wants to go through ANY and EVERY emotional situation with you. He loves you and His love has no limits…yours does, but He sticks it out and you just keep coming back despite the little fights you have. He always takes you back and loves you more deeply and fully as before.

Even though you fight with Him or love with Him…remember that you can’t do ANYTHING that will change His love for you. His love is unchangeable and even if you try to push His love away…you won’t be able to hide from it. His love will find you! ALWAYS!

Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

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