All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We are married to Christ!  Have you had your honeymoon with your your Beautiful Savior-Bridegroom, a period of time when you thought of nothing but Him?  If so, have you now returned to "business as usual"?  Unfortunately, my first honeymoon (many years ago) was in Disneyland which was a huge distraction, so my wife and I came home not knowing each other any better than we did before we were married.  I had a second honeymoon at a very nice resort hotel, but there was too much tennis, swimming, food and drinks that took the place of increased emotional and spiritual intimacy.  I think you can see why I'm telling you this.  We tend not to have a Song of Songs experience with Jesus Christ.  If you have carefully read the Song of Songs, you might even be a little embarrassed to think of your Savior in terms of the Lover of the Shulamite damsel, but the Apostolic Fathers, Early Church Fathers, and Mystics of the Church had no embarrassment in identifying their souls as that Shulamite damsel and our Lord as the Princely Lover.  The Apostle Paul was not ashamed to see marital love as the perfect example of Christ's relationship with the Church.  It is a hymenal experience.  If that word is unfamiliar to you, please look it up and understand that it does not embarrass our GOD who says that his Jealous Love for us is so intense that He compares it to a Consuming Fire.  Are you ready to be consumed by the Lover of your soul?  If so, are you ready to spend as much time as necessary, free from ALL distractions so that you can KNOW Him in the Biblical sense.  Your eternal life depends on it. 

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