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Your decision today will determine where you will be tomorrow. Your thought controls your decision, your decision controls your character, and your character influences your DESTINATION.

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!"

When i was a child and my friends and i wanted to choose who would play on our team during a particular game, or who would go first in a particular activity, we would point to each person as we chant a rhyme. When the rhyme ends, whoever stands in the direction of the pointed finger will be designated as the chosen one. Sometimes the decision proved favorable, and sometimes it didn't. Though this haphazard method was fine for children game, it does n't work well for real-life decisions. Yet, amazingly, some adults still subscribe to the childlike method when making decisions.

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said;

One's philosophy is not best expressed by words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.

Life is a serious matter, and decisions must not be made carelessly. The choices we make today determine not only where we will end up tomorrow, but also where we'll be in years down the road. Every decision impacts our success, happiness, health, and overall well-being. Our choices also impact the lives of others, including our families, co-workers, and our communities. We don't have to blame others for the unfortunate things we experience as a result of our choices. If we're honest, we will realize that our happiness and success, or lack thereof, are directly related to specific decisions we've made over the course of time.

Our decision cause us to take certain actions, which in turn lead to certain habits that shape our character and impact our destination. A Believer's decision must be wise and Biblically based, rather than based on emotions. This is a fundamental key to walking in the plan God has established for our lives.

Everything starts with a decision. Look at the number of couples who get married, vowing to stick together through sickness and health, for richer and poorer, until death do they part, only to end up in divorce court, pointing fingers at one another over why things went wrong. What prevents them fromkeeping their vows? I am convinced it is because most divorced couples operated in human, emotional live, rather than unconditional love during their marriage. God teaches us to avoid being judgemental, finding fault, and refusing to forgive. When faced with conflict, a married person's ideal response should be, " I'm with you, and i'm going to keep on loving you no matter what!"

Allowing our feelings to govern our decisions is like being tossed by every wind. We shouldn't make decision that way. Instead, our decisions and emotions should be firmly based on and supported by the word of God. This is the only way to guarantee success in marriage, in life and in every aspect of our being.

There is a difference between making decision and making a quality decision. A quality decision is a choice that matches God's desire for your life. It moves you to take specific corresponding action. Make a decision today for your lifting tomorrow. Stay blessed. Shalom!

Pastor Stanley Nicholas
Stanley Nick Gospel Crusades Int'l

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Comment by Ginnybee on May 7, 2009 at 1:14am
Beautifully said, and how true it is. ~smiles~

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